Friday, August 31, 2012
Strategic Planning - Helping You Make These difficult decisions
Entrepreneurs / managers should be able to make the "tough" decisions. Really, it's in your job description. But we are still human. There are also the difficult decisions that may need to be made that we are not sure of the consequences. We have a good idea, but we're not sure. And it is here that a strategic plan helps to support in making these difficult decisions.
Any organization that passes through a clear strategic plan gains. The clarity on the ultimate goal. Clarity about the direction needed to be taken. Clarity on exactly who should do what. Finally, clarity about what resources you need to make everything.
So you can watch your resources, your structures, processes and your people. It will take a hard look on what will support the plan, such changes must be made to implement the plan and what just does not go well. Let's focus on the last.
Let's say you are an entrepreneur. Do you have an employee who is doing an ok job. Here, just ok. Not particularly put out, but you have, do what they are told to do and even if you can not excite the customer, not make them crazy. So I'm ok. But really, really would like someone a bit 'more energized and focused. Does this sound familiar?
The problem is that, since they are doing an ok job, do not you feel that you can do anything. Enter your strategic plan. After crossing the floor, then watch the employee with greater clarity. When he was ok to spend the day, the employee was acceptable. Now that you have a plan to take your business to a new level of success, it becomes patently clear that this employee will not be a good thing to achieve, but will actually be a hindrance to the business plan and success. Things are becoming clearer. Something has to change.
That change is your decision. This may not mean you need to get rid of that employee. But you need to take a long, hard look. Could it be that you need to have an honest conversation about the new direction of business and if the employee wants to be part of it, along with the things they had to change. It can mean training. It may mean changing your relationship to get that employee on board. There are alternative then simply cooking. The bottom line is that the new plan for the business to succeed, everyone must be on board, and resources, as the employee will need to change. Period. Clarity.
This is just one example. But all centers to ensure that all the right resources in place to ensure the success of the strategic plan and yes, that means change.
Resources, be they plants, equipment, or employees shall be aligned with the strategic plan of the company. Each element is part of a set of work in the same direction to ensure that the plans and the vision of the organization and objectives.
Think about the image of one of those teams, rowing oars lined up and pushing the boat further along in the right direction. Now imagine an oar dipped in the water causing a resistance. At a minimum, would force everyone else to compensate and work harder, the more likely they would be much more disruptive resulting in chaos and failure. So it is with a resource that is not aligned with management. Creation of a resistance, causing more work, possibly resulting in failure.
To understand where to go and what you need to do to get there, is to clarify the difficult decisions that have to do. And while the actions may be difficult to take, you have a better understanding of both the rewards and consequences of taking positive action for the good of your company....
Presentation Skill Training
This is such an important issue in the sales representative training that a full presentation of the skill training course would be unrealistic, however, the following list of sub-topics will provide the seller with the essential elements of the preparation and delivery of its products or services. In the rest of this article the use of the word 'his' is synonymous with 'her' for short.
1) Approach
2) The way you look
3) Your introduction
4) Get close to Prospect
5) The basis of the sales presentation
6) How to deal with objections
7) How to make a rebuttal without Butt
8) The importance of asking questions
9) dramatize the presentation.
10) Closure of a small action, but positive.
With progress in telecommunications today is much better to avoid cold calling on potential customers. Advance knowledge of a company can be found from the lists offered at a reasonable price by firms such as Dunn & Bradstreet database or directory Business Compass. Information such as names of company directors, the number of employees, telephone numbers and e-mail make it easy to make the first contact with the right person.
The best approach is performed through an appointment made by the seller or a support telesales person. It 'important that the right person within an organization is identified, because they made an appointment with anyone other than the decision maker in most cases prove to be a waste of time sales representative. In a society of small and medium enterprises the right person tends to be the owner or CEO. In my 40 years experience in direct sales, appointments made by the Company Secretary or Accountant Company appear to be a shield to protect the machine real decision comes from the bulk of sales each company receives. However, the larger type of buyers are designated company representatives were appointed to interview the sales and purchase on behalf of society and should be the person to approach.
Your appearance is crucial to success in sales. This is due within 10 or 15 seconds of meeting you, first impressions are made. Extensive and important and lasting decisions made about the type of person you are. These decisions are based on how they dressed, how you play and how confident you appear.
Your introduction to your prospect has to be done with a smile and a handshake still means that you have confidence in yourself and by inference in your product or service.
The sale is a construction report. Your first goal is to know, like and trust in you.
A study of body language is a useful tool that can help sellers to expedite the process.
I discovered that a smile, a look into the eyes accompanied by a slight touch of the forearm persons, as you shake their hand, adds a touch of fun to your greeting.
Approach the Prospect
Once you're in your office perspective, the perspective is usually positioned behind the desk, or maybe a workbench. It is a psychological barrier of defense that it is better to go around wherever possible. The way I used to do this was to have my presentation in a folder or do my presentation on a blank sheet of paper. Then I would say the prospect, "I have something here I need to show that it will be okay if I put this on your desk so you can see?" Once they agree and always have done, I put the folder in the right way around them on their side of the desk, and then I walked to the side of their desk to work through my speech in my portfolio or to build a presentation on the sheet of paper. I observed a significant reduction of tension in the attitude prospects once they are on the same side of the desk like them.
The basis of the sales presentation
A proper understanding of the cycle of motivation is the first requisite to prepare a presentation that will lead to a successful conclusion. The first time I meet a prospect will not have reason to believe that they need your product and will have a variety of defense strategies in place to avoid making unnecessary purchases. These strategies have been developed due to previous attempts to separate them from their money in exchange for products or inadequate due to poor presentation of appropriate products. You need to disturb the view from his current mind-set with the presentation of reasons why he needs the product. There are both pain and pleasure sensations of being involved in this part of the presentation, feelings of loss through not using the product and the sensations of pleasure that the gains you get from using it. Both these elements should be maximized to increase the feeling of discomfort. The prospect does not buy if it remains undisturbed. A full explanation of all the features of the product allows the seller to demonstrate how each of these aspects will benefit from the perspectives of the business.
How to deal with objections
The seller knows that well prepared is inevitable that the objections already exists in the mind of the prospects. During the 'in training' representatives should be provided to all the objections that have been produced previously been observed by all the sales force so that there are no surprises for the seller once it is in the field. The answers to these should be tried until it naturally by the seller. However, it should be held until the prospect has them, it is important that you are presented with the prospect by the seller prior to submission along with appropriate responses that neutralize the negative effect of the censorship at the prospect can pronounce. Once you have rarely dealt with in this way are born again to become a deterrent to sales.
How to make a rebuttal without Butt. If a prospect should complain first to go around to deal with it, never make a rebuttal using words like "Ah, but ...." or "No, not because it is so ..." Think of the pain caused by a cigarette butt at the prospect of a direct attack on his thinking. Much better to let someone else take the sting out of the corrections you make in your prospects mind. Refer to another employer, preferably in the same line of business, saying "Yes, that's what Mr (XYZ) of (another company), however, thought that once you start using this product has found that ..... . " (Now you're given the opportunity to highlight the characteristics and desired results that refute the claim.)
The importance of asking questions
Asking questions is part of the sales process for centuries, but was mainly based on the concept of building a series of 'yes' answers' yes that would lead to a close. Times have changed and now people are much more resistant to closure rigid tactics of the old school vendors. Research has shown that
1) No need to ask questions to make the sale.
2) It can carry up to 50% more sales if it provided that the questions relate to the prospects needs and desires.
Applications are also used to create dissonance that can only be resolved by the customer using the product.
Everyone cares and questions to help the seller make the camera perspective on the business in hand. Further focus is captured through the involvement of more perspective in the presentation, asking them to touch, hold, feel, or engage in any way possible with the product.
Questions will help determine what are the prospects true needs and wants are.
Dramatize the presentation.
Try the full presentation is crucial in order to free the mind from anxious sellers on the fear of forgetting the order of presentation and questions and answers. Once the presentation is currently a far greater impact can be given for each feature and the benefits can be illustrated by the stories of its sales success of its other customers with the product.
I remember once when I was selling a Christmas contest advertising in our newspaper a customer, he stressed that the public did not bother to participate in this type of feature so that he felt would get any results from advertising in it. I knew that the public participation in the competition was immense, but instead of replying to this objection, I apologized to the meeting and arranged to call back later. I went back to our offices and collected hundreds of bags with our competitor's coupons input into a large cardboard box. I went back to the office of my client and entering, I deliberately slipped and let the bags spill all over the carpet. I excused myself and how it has taken up the mass of envelopes there was no way to be able to retain his objection. That little 'drama that involved a lot of his senses, has done much more good than a simple statement about the numbers they did.
Closure of a small action, but positive.
If you have questions, which revealed the prospects needs, answered all his objections and obtained his agreement on your answers, while demonstrating dramatically that the product is the best solution to its particular needs, then the sale should reach a nearby natural. However it would be a big mistake on your part to expect the prospect of applying for the order form. This will not happen in a month of Sundays. You have to end, no matter how brilliantly the sale had progressed. The outlook does not voluntarily close the sale with a purchase. Would still have a little 'take time to reflect. Pull out the order form and your pen and ask him to "accept order", rather than sign. Always assume that it is now in agreement and ask for a small decision like 'when he would prefer delivery, the next week or the week after,' or which product you want to 'the standard or deluxe version'.
The call to action must be done by you, but make the smallest of a decision in his mind as much as possible so that it is easy for him to agree ....
Internet Home Based Business Opportunities
Home based businesses are becoming quite a popular trend. The advantages of owning a home based business seems to be very attractive to many Web surfers. Most of the best home based business opportunities happen to be found on the web.
Some of the biggest advantages of owning a home based internet business opportunities is that there is no need to work with different time from the right of another person, you do not have interruptions from staff, your office reflects your personality, you do not have a long way to commute to reach your local office can give you a raise every time your business expands.
Home based businesses seem to many as simple steps to start and make money. Yes, if you are really what must be done.
Starting with work at home businesses is not as easy as it sounds, but not too hard. The truth is that you will make money as soon as you start a home based business and I do not believe anyone who tells you they're going to make you rich in one day, but if you happen to be quite patient and be willing to learn. I guarantee that you will be rich in no time.
Sometimes it may take a while 'before you can generate a very good income with your internet based business opportunities at home.
Most people end up failing in their home based business opportunities on the Internet because they put so much emphasis on making money and end up being very reluctant to learn what is being taught.
There are many things you can do to improve themselves in order to be able to make money with your internet based business opportunities at home, but it is very essential that you are a beginner so excited.
There are many places you can get learning from complaints. You can learn going through Ezine Articles, blogs and forums.
I think there are people out there who are willing to share with you information that will very well help you succeed with your online home based business.
There are many resources that are available for you to learn about web resources both free and paid resources. (Your choice) .......
How to get a job without experience - just as you would Sell Yourself If You Were A Salesperson
It 's easier to find a job than you think. You do not need experience, just think you do, maybe this is just an excuse for your job search is not going very well - no one hires me, because I have no work experience. Bad excuse!
Back when I finished school I did not have any experience either. I did what everyone else did - I sent resume in response to job ads in the classifieds. That did not work. Then I got creative. I was specifically looking for a sales job, because that's what I thought I would have liked. I thought to myself, what is a sales manager looking for when hiring a salesperson? I knew the answer. A sales manager wants someone who can sell. How do I prove that I could sell without a track record? I could see.
Here's what I did. I was targeting a B2B business selling photocopiers. I chose a few prospects and called on those responsible for sales in those offices. I did not call to ask for a job (not at first). I called the sales manager (cold call) pretending to be a cleaner office and tried to sell my services. It really is not an office cleaner. I was playing a role. I was faking. I just wanted to be able to showcase my sales skills. It worked! Sales managers were impressed. I soon had a handful of job offers to choose from.
Of course, show off your skills in sales, with a fake call cold does not help you get something other than a sales job, but that's not the point. The point is that you can be creative, no matter what kind of job you're looking for. Just find a way to show your skills without actually doing what everyone does when looking for a job (sending dozens of resumes, while hoping for a call back). It works! ......
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Public Relations - How to Avoid Disaster
In our previous article of our series of public relations we discussed how to land is the first work in the field of public relations. In this article we will touch briefly on what exactly public relations and how complex it has become in our modern world.
If you were to look in the dictionary of public relations is one of the following definitions.
1. The art or science of establishing and promoting a favorable relationship with the public.
2. The methods and activities used to create and promote a positive relationship with the public.
3. The degree of success in achieving a favorable relationship with the public.
4. (As a noun), a promotion intended to create goodwill for a person or institution.
Unfortunately, the methods used in the definition 2 to create a positive effect in definition 1 are not always what people would consider scrupulous and achieve success in that definition 3 is often destroyed by these methods.
In today's world of instant access to news, public relations is more important than ever. With stories breaking literally minutes after an event, public relations firms sometimes have little or no time to extinguish fires.
We must not look far to find public relations disasters, some acts of God that are real When a natural disaster like a hurricane affects a region that depends on tourism for much of its income, it is difficult to try to sell the rest of the world that the region is still a great place to come and visit, to spend their vacation dollars. The recent hurricane that hit New Orleans is a perfect example. A public relations firm would literally be magicians to get anyone to come into a town that is now a ghost town.
Then there are the public relations disasters that are man made, such as torture of prisoners in Iraq. The public relations staff of the U.S. government had the almost impossible task of trying to put a positive effect on this event. The war in general was a difficult thing to sell to the American people.
Of course, the public relations disasters most common are those associated with big business. An example of this, and there are many to choose from, it would be when Coca Cola had to defend themselves against accusations that his Pepsi products manufactured in India contained high levels of toxins. The way in which the two companies handled this matter only added more fuel to the fire.
When someone eats a fast food restaurant and find things in their food that does not belong to us, this is another public relations nightmare for the company. Again, in most cases when these things happen, the company only makes matters worse by denying the charges or try to cover them.
The best way for any business or government for that matter, to handle public relations nightmares is to address the situation honestly present the facts and indicate their plan to solve the problem. But most importantly, take responsibility. In today's world people expect honesty. If we give them the facts and our intentions to address the situation honestly, most public relations nightmares can be avoided. Unfortunately, this is a lesson most of us have not learned yet .......
Using Fire Pits in business presentations
Adding fire pits for your business presentations is a fun and unique way to engage your audience and keep their attention. Anyone with some experience of public speaking knows how difficult it is to break to you the public and make them complacent enough to send the message effectively. Although there are a number of key factors that are in control of how body language and eye contact that you can use to keep the public busy, there are also some other things you can use to your advantage. Fire pits provide an interesting way to capture the audience's attention and imagination during a business presentation.
In recent years, medical experts have discovered that the physical setting that a person is immersed in has a huge impact on their ability to learn and retain information. This is because the cognitive processes that drive memory and attention are directly influenced by the parties of the visual cortex that are dedicated to what is known as a process context. The development context is how the mind processes the physical setup that a person is, and is wired to focus on several types of objects such as faces and fire in a pit fire. The mind perceives the fire in a unique way that relaxes the body while peeking the interests of a person in what is happening around him or her.
In fact, people have given the presentation of a guy in front of fire pits for thousands of years. By Native Americans and other indigenous groups in stories told around a campfire, there is something about a fire in a pit that makes an audience settle down and take what a speaker has to say very seriously. As a result, people have used fire pits to impart important cultural traditions or discussing defense strategies for thousands of years.
All were in a position where he or she had to sit through endless business presentations that were given to boring speakers, who were clearly just call in. You owe it to the public to give them a business presentation is worth listening to, and using holes for the fire in the presentation is a great way to show your audience take you seriously. While your audience may take a minute to get used to the idea, you will find that they will be taking on your presentation and fire pits long after the performance .......
You have just been promoted to Sales Manager - Now What Do You Do?
It 'a very big day in your life. You have just met the VP of sales and she told you that you have done a phenomenal job as a salesman. The company loves you, your customers love you and I love the vendors. Hey, it's a celebration of love. Woodstock seems! He adds that the company needs a sales manager for the western region and you were the overwhelming choice to assume the position. She officially has the job, and you say: "Yes, thank you. I worked my whole career for this moment." He adds: "You take office the first of the month. An email will go tomorrow. Call me if you need anything." And that's all.
Look at the calendar and March 28. Your smile of satisfaction is gone and panic arises as wonder, what should I do now?
This may not be very satisfying, but you are one of countless thousands of sales managers, who have been placed in the same position. What is next? What should I do? I can really do the job? What do you think the sellers? And on and on and on.
Here's what you do:
1. Relax and enjoy the moment. If this is what you wanted then enjoy and revel in the news. Break open a nice bottle of Pinot Noir and share it with your spouse / partner.
2. The next day after the email went to your dealer, call each of them and say you want to meet each one of them for a day. My guess is that representatives of all to know you so there should be some pretty good vibrations. Even if you are unsure still intend to meet with them.
3. When speaking with representatives of the phone to tell them that your goal in meeting with them is to get to know them better, you want to understand their land and their accounts, you want to know if you have any problems to be addressed, you'd know what their expectations are for a sales manager; you'd like to share with them your philosophy of management and sales, I'd take them and their spouse / partner out to dinner when you're in town, if there is time during the day you want to visit an account.
This is all you need to do during your first visit with these vendors!
I tell you from experience that the most important of these tasks is dinner with the seller and their spouse / partner. As a new sales manager is required to "connect" with the seller to see that you can trust. What you want to become is a mixture of manager / director / mentor / master task / confidant. There is no better in the psyche of a seller with a spouse. I do not mean this in a manipulative way. In my opinion, the sellers are more islands in the world of sales. The vendors come home at night and talk to their spouse / partner about the joys, disappointments and frustrations of sales. In essence, the seller and its partners are a team. They live together in sales.
And if that statement is true and I think then, as a new sales manager, so you must connect with your spouse as you do with the seller. Discover an extraordinary amount of information fun of TEAM and their children if they have any. By virtue of a few hours of your time for a nice dinner and a bottle of wine $ 75 you become a member of this family, albeit far. The partner will respect you, appreciate you and the seller will have "connected" with the most important element in the life of the seller.
Why $ 75 for a bottle of wine. Please do not go cheap on the wine or dinner. Your mission is to connect, not scimp. If your boss has a hard time with this then you eat the cost. Can you in fees along the way.
In future articles I offer some tips to first sit down with a salesperson.
Thanks, and have closed the business fun! ......
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Maximize your power in negotiations
The study of power and its effect is important in understanding and negotiating relationships (or common ground) from any negotiation. Every interaction and every social relationship, in side and outside organizations, involves an exercise of power.
Gibson et al. (1991:329) see power as simply the ability to do things the way you want them done. For example, the power of the manager who wants more financial resources is its ability to obtain the desired resources.
Power involves a relationship between two or more people. Robert Dahl, a political scientist, captures this important goal when defining the relational power: 'A has power over B to the extent that he can get B to do something B would not otherwise. A person or group may not have the power to the insulation power must be exercised or distributed, or have the potential to be deployed in relation to some other person or group. The power is similar to a change does not make sense unless linked or compared, as a bargaining chip. Power is not tied to the price, but always valuable.
The concept of equal power in any relationship is important, since in equal bargaining power is the perception by some that the other party possesses the capacity to resist any form of power with a shape similar to or different power that would make the escalation of power useless. As mentioned, the equal power refers to balance in the distribution of power. Equal power is a key factor in the behavior of a successful negotiator.
In literature, a distinction is made between the power and authority. The authority is considered as the formal power that a person has because of the position he or she holds in an organization (Gibson et al. 1989:330). The directives are orders from a manager in a prominent position and are followed because they must be followed. So, people in higher positions have legal authority over employees in lower positions. Power is supplied to a person's position is accepted by subordinates and is used in vertical organizations.
On the other hand, the influence is simply the potential distribution of power and therefore the minimum amount of energy that a person can distribute. To run a karate punch someone shows relative power, but to warn the other side that the person has a black belt in karate would simply display the resource, the potential to be distributed. However, when used as a threat, it is important that the negotiator recalled that a threat maintains its strength provided that is not executed. Upon delivery, a threat loses all its value.
French and Raven suggested five interpersonal bases of power that are important for the negotiators.
- Power legitimate
- Award of power
- Coercive power
- Expert Power
- Referent power
CLICK HERE [] To test the effectiveness SIX IN THE CREATION OF POWER
We examine only legitimate power in the winner's circle this year and will cover the remaining interpersonal power bases in subsequent editions.
Legitimate power:
Legitimate power comes from its ability to influence because of the position. A person at a higher level has the power over the people below. However, any person with legitimate power uses it with a personal touch.
Subordinated play an important role in the exercise of legitimate power. If subordinates see the power as legitimate, they comply. However, the systems of culture, customs and value of an organization determine the limits of legitimate power. In other words, there are times when people respond to information from another, even the signs he does not like, because they feel it is right and legitimate for others to tell them and correct (mandatory) for them to obey. This is the legitimate power.
Legitimate power is used in many ways during the negotiation. People with a lot of legitimate power could use their positions of authority to 'instruct' other parties to follow certain procedures. Under the authority of the individual, the other players in the negotiation could follow whatever is decided, relying totally on the person's ability to authorities.
Sometimes one party will use the legitimate power as a tactic against another party by:
1. bringing in someone who has the influence to make important decisions, and who has credibility with the other party or
2. assigning a lot of legitimate power to one or more individuals within contradictory to use the need for power and status that exists in all individuals to obtain more concessions from them. This is sometimes referred to as 'ingratiation' or stroking.
It 'important to recognize that legitimate power can have an influence if it is recognized by other individuals, because it only occurs in a social structure. Some negotiators may groped to deny the other part of their legitimate power:
1. denying them the opportunity to speak;
2. preferring to bid each other, while insisting the other party continue to make concessions;
3. ignoring previous agreements on how to proceed, or
4. deny that one of the 'other side can have any legitimate position of meaning
In these situations a negotiator may need to establish some minimal legitimate authority before proceeding, and in some cases it may be advisable to refuse to proceed until the other party shows by his behavior, that the authority is in place. Once a small safe basis of legitimate authority is established, a skilled negotiator can be extended.
For more information:
- Reward power and personal power
Go to my article on entitled "The use of power in the negotiations - Intermediate"
YOU HAVE QUESTIONS? EMAIL ME for free advice ...
Make a No-Bullet PowerPoint presentation for your product sales
If you want to be associated with being boring then by all means go ahead and use bullet points for your PowerPoint presentation. This is because when the speaker uses the bulleted points in their speeches the public tend to focus on the presentation of slides, rather than the speaker, another reason is that the speaker read the slides, rather than actually 'has'.
Studies have shown that presentation text only tend to prevent the receipt of the information intended. It was found that people respond more fully both the oral hearing which combines text with graphics, but for people who only heard the text speaks for itself has not benefited much from it.
What follows is simple shortcuts that can be used to remove the bullet points on slides. The first step is to open the slide presentation that contains the bulleted text that you want to remove. After that go to 'see' where you will be able to find the 'master slide', here you can begin removing the third and fifth level. The reason for this is because if you put too much structure levels for the slide presentation will be the organization of ideas rather confused, thus defeating the purpose.
Choose the 'format' and 'bullets and numbered' after selecting the first two levels and the 'Bullets and Numbering' dialog box, select 'none' before returning to the presentation slides. However they are not yet finished as the second line that wraps to the second line will be indented as if it were a bulleted text. To overcome this problem, make sure you have the 'ruler' appears, you can see by clicking on 'View' and then 'ruler'.
Once done, click on the first layer and then drag the hanging indent marker on the area of the grid all the way left into the first layer. Repeat the same operation for the second layer. Now close the Master View toolbar, master slide view to see the results.
If you believe that your audience can not differentiate the text without bullet points, then a method that can be used to overcome this problem is to alternate the color of text for each of the points that will be presented. As the words that will not be enough to get your message so you can use other methods such as diagrams or organization. PowerPoint 2002 and 2003, are such that you can use to your advantage, as PowerPoint 2007 is a feature that you can use called 'SmartArt' that can instantly transform the bulleted text in diagrams.
All you have to do is select the text you want to edit, then click 'SmartArt Graphic' in the Paragraph group on the Home tab. It is also possible to change styles and resize forms of graphics so that the most consistent with the overall design .......
Where to find a successful Corporate Team Building Exercise
A lot of people are in need of a way to build teamwork in their company, but do not have the money to hire a company to help them expensive. If you're trying to find a corporate team building exercise that can be completed in the office, there are a number of options available to you. It 'important to explore all options before deciding which one to use. Because there are so many different books and movies available, it is important to do all your research before deciding which corporate team building exercise is right for your company. This is an important task and you should exhaust all resources before making a final decision on what to go with.
A DVD you may want to check is Leadership, Team Building, and decision making, which is available online at This DVD will give you the tools to teach your team everything you need to know. A great way to do this is to have everyone watch the movie together. After that was completed, the entire group can talk about what they did not like. Everyone can then vote on which company to strengthen the team enjoyed the most, and then you can follow through with it. The participation of the team in doing this in itself is a start to do team building exercises.
If you want to teach your employees themselves are advised to take a book to read before you start. An ideal book to start is The Big Book of Team Building Games: Trust-building activities, team spirit exercises, and other fun things to do by John Newstrom. This book is among one of the best sellers for people who are looking for an effective business team building exercise. Some of these exercises can be so simple that you can watch more of them! Keep your eyes and mind alert for situations that suggest exercises.
A corporate team building exercise can be found cheap if you know where to look. There is no reason to spend thousands of dollars that have not. Check out the two sources above and get started right away. Searching on the Internet for team building and you will find tons of resources. Brainstorm with your colleagues and come up with exercises that way. You never know what will happen to put more of a mind a project .......
Good customer service is the same technical expertise combined with human relations skills
Like time, the customer service is something that "everyone complains, but nobody seems to do something meaningful about it."
Part of the problem is that when we say, "customer service", we mean different things. If we have not defined our terms, then we promote misunderstandings, conflicting rules, and inaccurate measurement.
In addition, we are less likely to have happy customers in a consistent and reliable, and we will miss opportunities to generate customer loyalty, repeat business and reference, and ever higher profits, assuming that these are our goals .
Let's start with the basics, a simple Economics 101 update, and go from there.
There is a distinction between the common place in the economy "goods" and "services". Our economy produces both.
Refrigerators, potatoes, tanks, pens and air conditioners are considered "property". These things, tangible entities that are easily observable and measurable.
Services include hair cuts, calculations your accountant and teacher lessons.
The American economy is said to be a mix of 70% services and 30% of the goods. Because of this proportion is lopsided, you can listen to broadcasters and commentators repeat the fact that "America has a service economy."
Being in a service economy is defined as at least 70% of us are directly, inextricably, and fully committed to our living in the provision of customer service - literally - a service to customers. (But if you ask most people "Are you in customer service?" They will say no, thinking you're referring to a specific department or a small business function.)
Although we are busy in the field of "goods" they say in production, we are still tied to customer service. Savvy economists point out: "There is no such thing as a commodity," never change a product or raw materials, which has no dimension of service attached to it.
Take copper wire. It must be delivered, revenue, financed, he said, and apologized for, if not meet certain requirements or specifications. The wire is not sold. People order entry, sales, and delivery persons must do so at the door of a client.
All these Helping Hands "to serve" - add value to the wire, and their care to be part of the product being sold and bought.
The refrigerator that finds its way to our kitchens is also inventoried, displayed in a retail space or online, sold, financed, delivered on time or late. Refrigerators are bundled with future services, potential immortalized warranty, promises to provide customer support in case of drive failure.
What we think of as "Customer Service" is obviously a huge part of every business transaction you do.
There are two parts to a service actually provided economic: (1) competence and (2) Human Factors.
My barber needs a haircut in an acceptable manner, and will be available in time for my appointment. Reduced to essentials, which is part of the "competence" of his service, the satisfaction of which are the basis for bargaining.
But if he is a persistent whiner, and I had this time as a barber, then the "human relations" part of his service is lacking.
In this situation, I'm getting less than full value for my money. I expect a good haircut and a nice haircut. The service of Bare Bones, though technically competent, should be associated with the "good" customer, in this case a nice polite way of communication.
Typically when the reports of competence and human capacity are both present, customer satisfaction has been created.
We all had the experience of eating in a restaurant with great food but poor service. This is a classic approach-avoidance conflict. Sooner or later, we'll probably have to stop patronizing the place, unless they enjoy the abuse or if there is a secret satisfaction as the possibility of spotting a celebrity.
The dental hygienist who refuses to clean his teeth without giving a boring lecture about diet, brushing and flossing style creates dissonance of service and an approach-avoidance conflict.
The professor has experienced a sharp mind, but prefers, of course, to do research rather than student advisement service is also defective, incomplete, and mixed-signal.
If you take a flight from New York to Los Angeles, and somebody asks, "How was your flight?" Your response will be evaluated, especially, the service received.
Your answer could include three-dimensional evident: (1) The softness of the race, if there were bumps along the way and a hard landing or soft, (2) The general comfort occurred during the passage, have adequate space for legs, meals, and the nave easy access to toilets, and (3) serendipitous factors such as if you were next to a belt speed talker, who does not let you do your work or close their eyes.
These "service" the dimensions overlap.
Living turbulence, the pilot changed the flight paths for the air is definitely easier to serve, while acting with competence to avoid potential danger. His sensitivity to human factors, in particular empathy for the comfort of passengers, is notifying its decision to seek alternative routing.
The space for the legs and the number of lanes that are on board are determined by the airlines on the basis of a compromise between economy and comfort. They use larger aircraft, more comfortable? They squeeze out a line or two of the seats, making it all a bit 'less comfortable?
The cost of fuel could have spiked recently, so you are leaving the services in an effort to maintain profit margins. This seems to be a business decision, but it is inevitably a decision service as well.
Whether you're sitting next to blabber is not the fault of the carrier, unless the request has been moved to another place is not busy. Then, if you are unnecessarily denied a change, this becomes a problem of service for which the airline is responsible.
There is a parent traveling with small children in tow have easy access to a diaper changing station in the toilet?
An airline "service" includes aspects even more.
"Service" begins long before the flight takes off, most likely with a memory favors on a flight before it took, or a friend or colleague who took the carrier or another. If the transport has been uneven, less than satisfying, or too costly, then these perceptions will contaminate promotes customer expectations.
A journey in bad conditions can lower their expectations, making it easier to meet her this time, or may work in the opposite direction, making his hyper-critical, reducing its fuse.
And 'the passenger can book a reservation with relative ease, obtaining facilities for the dates you want and more at the most convenient?
There are reservations or travel agencies pleasant and easy to communicate? It was fast and hassle-free online booking?
So far, we can see that the service is universal, everywhere, is essential.
Yet, there is a shared perception that customer service is an option, an extra, non-negotiated for a "favor" that a company provides to its customers.
"I am a great lawyer, so there is no need to be beautiful," goes the thinking.
Do you know the number one reason lawyers sued for malpractice? Do not communicate effectively, you usually do not return phone calls in a timely manner!
"Be grateful you are to arrive at their destination safely," is increasingly the message of the airline passengers.
In other words, if we are competent, that is service enough. Do not you hear the mandate of the mission, once played very often, plus:
"We are here for your comfort, and if there is anything we can do to make flying more comfortable, do not hesitate to ask."
But believers in the concept that is able to satisfy customers that they are competent, but unfriendly, you are kidding, as well as those who believe it may be a fool fascinating, technically inept, and prosper in the long run.
Comprehensive customer service requires technical competence and adequate human relations skills.
We need both, always have and always will ....
Ethics in the Workplace
We've all heard these rules to live: Not bad, not stealing, no lying, and the most famous "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." In our personal lives, most people try to follow these rules. Ethics are often thought of by many as something that is related to the personal side of life and not to the business side. In some companies, the ethics can indeed be frowned upon. This is usually due to the fact that the business is to do what is best for the bottom line and not always do the right thing.
It 's commonly understood that there are ethics and then there's the work ethic. Often we do not stop to realize that there is no difference between personal ethics and ethics in the workplace, ethics is the same, whether work or personal life.
After all, ethics is to make choices that do not always feel good or seem like you can benefit. Ethical choices are the "right" choices to make and are examples of rules for living.
Practical impact
Managers usually want the answers to two fundamental questions about ethics in their offices: "How do ethics in the workplace apply to practical goals of my organization and work of my employees?" and "Is there reliable data to support these claims?" The Ethics Resource Center (, a non-profit organization, assists leaders to impact their organizations by identifying ethical risks and establishing systems to emphasize higher standards of business conduct.
The Ethics Resource Center conducts an annual search of the National Business Ethics (NBES) - a rigorous telephone survey of 1,500 employees in the United States. The results are encouraging NBES for organizations that have a positive emphasis on ethics in the workplace. For example, employees have high expectations for ethics within their organizations. Nine out of ten respondents say they "expect their organizations to do what is right, not only what is profitable."
This suggests that most employees are not cynical about ethics at work, encouraging news when considering the creation or development of ethical initiatives such as the long-term success of any program to count on active support of employees.
Formal programs and informal ethics of ethical principles have been shown to influence some key findings. Employees who work in companies with active ethics programs who observe leaders modeling ethical behavior, and also observe the application of values such as honesty, respect and trust applied frequently at work, report more positive experiences include the following:
* Less pressure on employees to compromise ethical standards
* Less observed misconduct at work
* Greater willingness to report misconduct
* Greater satisfaction with the response of your organization for misconduct, refer
* Increased overall satisfaction with their organizations
* Increased likelihood of "feeling valued" by their organizations
Findings of Concern
The NBES discovered a significant gap between senior and middle managers and lower-level employees. A result in line with the direction was the perception that their organizations have a positive ethical environment. This contrasts with the perception of lower-level employees, however. This suggests that executives may underestimate the importance of specific ethical issues and concerns facing employees.
This disconnect may also position executives not to address these issues adequately within the program of ethics of your organization. Therefore it is important for managers to include input from employees at lower levels in developing ethics programs and to continue to seek their input and feedback on a regular basis.
In addition to the communication gap between employees and managers, one in three employees believe that their colleagues perceive them as "spies" report if inappropriate behavior. This is roughly the same proportion of workers who believe that the management sees them as "troublemakers" for reporting ethical concerns. A key element to remove from this discovery is the need to address and eliminate retaliation systemically, at management level and equal throughout the organization.
Questions Answered
We return to our two key questions: "How do workplace ethics apply to practical goals of my organization and work of my employees?" and "Is there reliable data to support these claims?" There are a number of practical reasons for executives to focus on ethics in the workplace and reliable data that supports these efforts. The results consistently NBES link programs to more positive ethical organizations and greater employee satisfaction.
It would be naive to suggest that the emphasis on ethics will improve the work environment and solve society's problems overnight. In many cases, a well-developed and organized effort to address the key ethical issues sends an important message. It tells employees that your organization is moving in a positive direction, which is good for them as individuals.
Establishing an ethics program
Establishing an ethics program is not an exact science. As with any organizational program, will involve the input and collaboration of many people. The effectiveness of any organization depends on the characteristics that are unique to its culture, leadership styles, proper planning, and so on. Since some people may be uncomfortable talking about issues of ethics can be helpful if management first asks, considers, and then answers the following questions:
* Why might good people in this organization do unethical things?
* What are the values of our organization?
* We have adequately articulated these values internally and externally?
* Our organization have written ethics policies, procedures, or structures?
* To whom is our organization accountable?
* What do you mean by "success"?
* Does the leadership of our organization to support the idea of an ethical work environment?
With the feedback obtained by discussing the questions above, management will have a better idea of the perceptions of employees about how the company is performing ethically.
In the end, it's all starting our understanding of personal and collective ethics. The second step is awareness, and solutions for issues concerning ethics applied to the workplace. Many universities are now heavily applying the teaching of ethics to their curricula. Graduates of these programs take this information into the working world with the knowledge that ethics solid, positive results should be applied there as well as in the private sector.
In a perfect world, companies are better able to avoid embarrassing scandals that appear and reappear in both national and world news scandals. Small businesses will be able to attract and retain more customers and clients. Negotiations between businesses could be accomplished with increased consideration for the other company. This is something that we can all strive for .......
Opening a Daycare Center Business
The opening of a nursery is a serious commitment. There are a lot of things you should consider and do if you want your nursery to run smoothly and become profitable. Initially, you should understand how much demand there is for service centers in the area where you want to start the task. After satisfying yourself that you will have enough customers is therefore necessary to consider the following issues:
1. Opening a daycare - Registration and Regulation
Ask at your local agency or the licensing office, what you need to do to get a license. You need to do this before we can begin to operate. If you are unsure who to contact, you can call the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education 1-800-598-KIDS (5437). They represent every state in the United States. Some nursery activities need not be licensed but there are other advantages to be licensed and you will find that parents take authorized service providers more seriously.
2. Open a daycare - start-up costs and financing
Some of the things you should consider:
- Set up costs - How much is going to cost to start? Are you ready to operate without making a profit for a few months? What is your budget?
- Are you eligible for a grant of loan or daycare? Most for-profit child care are only eligible to apply for a limited number of scholarships. Nonprofit day care providers have access to more funding and grants. You'll need to research what is available to you.
- Want to run your business from home or prefer to rent, lease, buy or build new facilities.
- Are you going to hire people or are you going to do everything yourself?
3. Opening a nursery - Your motivation for starting a business nursery
Your goals, objectives and rationale for opening a daycare center are important because they determine what direction your business will go.
- Do you have any experience in childcare? Do you enjoy working with children? How do you know about child development? Have you ever run a business before? If this is the first time you do a lot of research and reading.
- Are you ready to work long hours, accept responsibility, meet strict deadlines, exercising his authority, manage others and provide leadership?
- Have good communication skills? How do you cope under pressure or in stressful situations?
- I'm emotionally and physically healthy?
4. Opening a daycare - Getting Started
It 'a good idea to get hold of a good book to open a nursery. These books usually contain detailed information on many aspects of day care business. You could also find and talk to current owners of day care business. You can learn a lot from their experience .......
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Customer loyalty programs - Here to Stay
Sellers have always known that a sale does not mean success. The repetitive sales are necessary, and is easier to keep existing customers than to find new ones. If a company can not maintain a steady flow of customers coming back, I'm in trouble. Customer loyalty is required for success at any level.
Customer loyalty is a fairly new term. Years and years ago, nobody gave much attention to returning customers from new customers. The small city with a dinner, a grocery store, a drug store and a department store just taken for granted that their citizens would continue to return, no matter what. For example, if you wanted to have breakfast after Mass, went to the restaurant, or you went home. There were no other choices, until competition arrived.
Diner Little Meg yesterday might still be there, but she is fighting for market share against fast food restaurants, coffee shops with the big names, sweet fantasy, and even grocery stores now have large tables close to their shop to the bakery. Other small firms might be less successful when he moved to the big names, even if customers actually preferred the smaller stores that had attended for years.
The competition is competition, and now all the stores and restaurants need to fight for market share. Customers had become a necessity, and advisors have been consulted on how to maintain their customer base. Attrition could not be tolerated in today's big box arena. The programs have been established so that customers attracted to participate, and prizes to the customers to stay and shop.
Anyone who understands the value of repeat business consistently launched a loyalty program. Hardware stores, pharmacies, bars, salons, bakeries and even had some kind of client program in progress. Marketing firms were hired to design and implement programs of reward cards that included points for every purchase and cash back to the register, coupons that appear on the ticket sales, and discounts offered only to subscribers to the program (but advertised at all, hoping to gain more followers loyal to their clubs). E-mail and text messages also talked about discounts and special offers and applications of the phone may find great deals for your loyalty program in just a few kilometers, with a push of a button.
Other advantages include dealer providing $ 10 gift card after a purchase limit is reached, and the other members have a website with unique products and special offers. Some even have a personal shopper for staff who provide free services to loyal customers very high levels .......
Outsourcing Article Writing - Characteristics of the Ideal ghostwriters
Looking for someone to ghostwrite articles for you? So make sure that this person has the following characteristics:
1. He must have great skill sets. In addition to high-level skills of writing, a perfect ghostwriter must also have excellent research, analytical, problem-solving and communication skills. Before hiring someone, I suggest you conduct one-on-one interviews to test their skills. Go ahead and do as many questions as possible. The more you know about these people, the more likely you will make well informed decisions.
2. Gives update on a regular basis. I'm sure you do not want to be left in the dark not knowing the status of your projects. So, find a ghostwriter who is willing to give you updates on a regular basis. If possible, ask the person sending the items that end up all day. Through this, you will get a guarantee that something is being done.
3. Takes feedback well. If you do not want to work with someone who takes everything personally when you provide feedback. You want a ghostwriter who takes constructive feedback. This person must be willing to revise the articles as per your request.
4. Follow the instructions carefully. Your ghostwriter should do exactly what you said. If you do not want to get items that seem too formal, when you instruct service providers to make them sound conversation, right?
5. Submit articles on time. There are so many ghostwriters unreliable these days. Make sure you hire someone who will deliver it no later than the agreed term. It will help if you impose penalties for delays. This will definitely encourage your ghostwriters to honor their commitments .......
Typist transcriptionist at Home Business
"I work from home" is a fast growing and convenient way to earn money. Instead of commuting back and forth from work and spend valuable time doing so, a person can easily work from the comfort of his / her home. The transcriber typist work at home is particularly suitable for women with children because they can program the time of work as per their ease.
In addition, anyone interested in adding a bit 'more to his income, and using his free time can be a transcriber typist home and enjoy the pleasure of financial independence. This work is ideal for those who are able to go out and work due to any reason, such as family obligations or health problems.
The basic requirements to be a transcriber typist home is to have a good typing speed of 35 to 60 words per minute, computer expert and a good grasp on the English-language spelling, vocabulary and grammar.
Typist transcriptionist at home can take the work as medical transcriptionists. The task of a medical transcriptionist involves converting spoken words or medical jargon in a typed format. The job of a medical transcriptionist is in great demand. But before we get into this field, you should take a course in medical transcription that is for a period of six months to a year depending on the institution.
If you think that reading books on medicine, or a few lines would be sufficient to provide for the profession, the thought is incorrect. As time and money is involved in the conduct of training, is a good idea to enroll in a training institute fame. The medical transcription course familiarizes an individual with human physiology, medical conditions, medications, treatments, and medical terminology so that it is easier for him to understand the complex terminology later.
Besides this, a person comes to know the various tools associated with this work. But this course is usually a bit 'expensive. Students who take the course must take the general transcription medical transcription for academics, researchers and so on. This would provide them a platform to hone their listening skills, improve their typing speed, and the opportunity to earn some extra cash.
For a transcriber typist work at home, once the course is over or on the verge of completion, the student may start looking, attending medical transcription forums, newspaper advertisements, contacts and networking with doctors in his area. The payment for the typist transcriptionist is based on quality speed and accuracy. The earning potential for the right candidate in this field ranges from $ 2000 per month to $ 5000 per month. When an individual starts working, it is not difficult for him to get a return on its investment within four or five months.
In the past, typing typing transcription transcription was not considered as a career, but the trend is changing. With the era of globalization, many foreigners are now setting up multiple offices in developing countries. These companies offer competitive pay packages, flexible working, etc., thus attracting a large number of young people with an aspiration to make a career out of it. The scope and demand for typist transcriptionist at home is steadily increasing which means that there are still many who can work at their leisure from the comfort of your own home .......
Win-Win Negotiation - Take Two hearts beat as one
Do you realize how much time is spent negotiating with others in our daily lives? Whether it's a powerful seal deal to work, pleading with a police officer on a traffic violation or suspected just get your ten years to finish the tasks, the negotiations can be found wherever there are relations. Negotiate a way out of a conflict is probably the best way to handle a potentially difficult situation, but is required so when you are trying to strike a deal at the local flea market. Love or hate, you can not ignore it.
The popular perception is that these discussions usually run on parallel tracks, with each party trying to get the maximum benefit for themselves. While some negotiations could favor either party, a win-win negotiation shall endeavor to ensure mutual benefits. The win-win negotiation technique is used when there is a desire to maintain long-term, harmonious relationship. The objective is to ensure that both sides feel good the result, once the deal is struck.
A win-win negotiation is based on the premise that the position of the negotiating parties in conflict is rarely as it seems at first sight. It thus seeks to find and exploit a common ground, and build an amicable solution that aims to maximize the common results. If you're thinking that sounds a bit 'like motherhood and apple pie stuff, think again. A win-win negotiation is real, and show you how!
They believe in it. Get into the groove wanting to reach a mutually advantageous. Experience shows that the result is strongly influenced by the manner in which the two sides approach the negotiating table. Keep in mind the interest of the other party, along with yours. If things are stalled, consider allowing low impact concessions - something that delivers value, without taking too much away from you.
Define your needs. When planning for negotiations, take some time to think about your most important needs, as well as those of the negotiating party. Some people approach a discussion with the sole intention of "winning" every point - hey, that's not how it works. If you have a clear threshold in mind, you will be able to devote your energies to make the job of discussion, rather than keep the score! This is also called a better alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA) - an alternative scenario that should be reached no conclusion. In a win-win negotiation, it is important that the end result improves the Batna of all partners. A word of caution here - do not give away your position to a minimum too early, or you could end up on the losing side of the covenant.
Do not get personal. Bring personality into it is an absolute no-no. Remember that the goal is to solve a problem, and driving people away by launching personal attacks will get you nowhere. Remain objective at all times, leaving your ego and emotions at home. If the other vent, let it blow over. Likely to strengthen its position in this way.
Stay in the game. A win-win negotiation is more likely to be a process, rather than a one-time event. There may be a history to it, and you can certainly expect a future. Therefore, be prepared for iterations, with proposals and counter proposals trade back and forth, until the final agreement has been reached. It 'important to develop a clear strategy in advance.
Set the stage. Remembering the other hand, the discussions failed in the past is not the best way to approach what we hope will be a win-win negotiation. Steer clear the blame game too. Choose your tone of voice, facial expressions and body language with care, as indeed the actual timing and place of meeting. Last but not least, give your attention to other speakers, and impressed with the sincerity of your intentions. A successful win-win negotiation is only a handshake away!
More wisdom on negotiation skills can be found at. Click away .......
Unique Gifts promotional marketing
Promotional gifts are important in any unit on the market and should always be used to support marketing efforts. When used alone produced significant responses, but when used in combination with other marketing activities can be tested to see some truly incredible return on marketing investments. However, the field is highly competitive and you must make sure that your articles you give as freebies to attract attention and leave a lasting impression in people's minds.
The trick to choose good gifts promo is to find those that are unique items that people - it is unlikely that we have received as promotional products first. For example, everyone has a calculator, but do not have a computer that is only twice the thickness of their credit card? And 'possible to have solar powered calculators customized with your logo on them that are not more than 2 mm thick. The 'wow factor' of these computers is much greater than you might expect.
This is because they are new elements that people are not likely seen before. They can easily be slipped into a wallet or checkbook and used all the time. This means that every time the person needs to perform a calculation that will break out the calculator credit card and the look on your logo. If they do it often will soon begin to form a strong association between what the calculator does for them and your business. This is when promotional products really come into their own.
For business customers there are many elements that can be given that are not expensive to produce, but will have the effect you want to advertise your brand. Tour organizers are a great gift to give the busy executive who has too much on their desk. They typically contain a calculator, paper clips, a metal ruler and scissors, and a memo pad. These small objects are great to keep on your desk because they do not occupy much space for what it can do. As gifts, desk organizers Corporate America is one of the favorites.
A particular object, calculating Notes-On-The-Go, is a combination calculator and notepad with numbers embossed on the front. These are really the keys to the computing unit, which is lightweight and hidden in the front cover. These can be made in many different colors for less than $ 5 per unit, and are ideal to give to staff or potential customers, or to distribute to offices where they will be used by each employee.
Promotional items are extremely important as a part of your marketing efforts. You should never overlook the importance of the choice of new and unique items, as these will generate the highest responses. People enjoy things that do not have, and would never have thought of buying for themselves. If you keep this in mind you're sure to have great success in the use of promotional gifts to promote your business .......
Monday, August 27, 2012
Why You Need a Business Plan
Although the purpose and importance of a business plan is recognized in other areas, are often overlooked and underutilized by those in the music industry.
I am aware of the large number of artists who feel that they are "destined" to succeed in the music business because they were "born to do what they do", and professionals with deep pockets who go into business for ego-driven reasons , but for those who are going to make a sincere and legitimate travel to do business properly and successfully, it is imperative that they provide the destiny and the destiny of one hand to trace the path that will lead them to fortune or fame, or both .
If you are trying to get the financial support of a potential investor, is a guarantee that a request (and often require) a business plan that shows in great detail and with sparkling clarity, what you intend to achieve with the use of their money.
For many of my clients the single biggest advantage of having a business plan that helps you realistically assess the nature and amount of work you must do to achieve your goals.
A good business plan will also provide the following benefits:
-A solid understanding of your mission and the resources necessary to complete
-The proper assessment of needs and expenditure
Well-defined objectives that can be measured and achieved within a specified time interval
-Increased awareness of the business challenges you face
-Competitive analysis of your company / products
-Demographics of consumers who make up the target market
-Supporting the team responsibility, duties and contributions
-Revenue Projections
-Marketing and promotional strategies to sell your product
The best business plans are not long, are thorough.
How deep they need to be depends on how you intend to use them. If it is a business plan that is written for the purpose of obtaining financing, must be heavy in the financial information. If it is a business plan that is written for the purpose of arousing interest from those who may possibly participate in the joint venture partner or consultant, needs to be mission driven, full of information on business objectives.
Often overlooked in a business plan, marketing information is sufficient as a means of selling products or services that are offered. In truth, this is really the second most important part of your business plan (second only to the needs and expenditure).
I always advise my clients to create a comprehensive marketing plan that can be viewed (and used) separate and distinct from the business plan. It helps to clearly delineate the functions and operations and marketing focus, the two vital hub of your business.
Now that you know what a business plan and the benefits of having one, the first step toward getting a correct vision is to put in what you are trying to accomplish with starting a business.
SBA estimates that 60% of all businesses fail. It's not for lack of planning (which is the second reason) is due to the fact that so many people are forced to start businesses for the wrong reasons.
What is your reason for wanting to go into business for yourself?
Once examined (and re-examined) the reasons for starting a job, start posting basic information that you will eventually use in your business plan, as your mission, objectives, costs associated with running your business, and you are going to sell your products / services.
Now there are tons of models online business plans, but a model will help you understand the logistical information that goes into a business plan, which is best done with the help of a professional who has the experience and skills to articulate and expand your information so it can be easily understood by anyone who reads it. Such a professional will also help you with the critical process of editing, formatting and presentation of data with the maximum effect.
Once you have your business plan written, the next step will be to use it as a road map for success....
What every employee needs to know to make positive statements Into Customer Service
If you were a customer on the phone with a question or complaint, and were ready to make big purchase, which of the following sentences of this worker will make you feel welcome and want to complete the transaction? What would you remove?
* I'm sorry. I did not understand.
* I can not understand what you are trying to say.
* Yes, Mr. Jones, I'll be happy to do it for you.
* Okay. I'll see what I can do.
* It will take a few minutes. Want to see your name again?
* Hold on. I'll be right with ya.
* Please wait. I have this information now.
* You're out of luck. We do not sell anymore.
* Do you want to spell your name please?
* What did you say your name?
* Thanks. I'll check for you.
* Okay. Let me see if I can find out from someone.
* I'm sorry. Mr. Smith is away from his desk. Can I help you?
* It 's still out to lunch. I do not know when he will return.
Now you can certainly see and feel the advantage that the use of positive phrases to create the organization, your customer, organization, and yourself. Positive phrases mean that positive results for everyone involved.
When you are positive with customers, will be positive with you. After all, is not that what doing business is all about?
Both professional and courteous to others and watch the benefits penetrate the lag. It 's guaranteed.
Remember: When you maximize your potential, everyone wins. When you do not, we all lose.
Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW
Republication: This article may be republished in ezines, newsletters, and websites of attribution is provided to the author, and appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Although advance permission is not necessary, please notify us when you use this article .......
Sales presentations online - Effective Value sales of Events Web
In today's world of Web 2.0, the use of Web conferencing on-line in order to sell or demonstrate a product or service are becoming increasingly popular with companies that employ a business to business [B2B] sales force. The proliferation of platforms, including market leader and go to the WebEx meeting with many competing reactions such as Dim Dim, Glance and Fuze all offer the same basic service and are all vying for market share. These platforms may prove to be a useful and convenient way to sell products or services for 3 main reasons: 1) The cost of travel to / from sales presentations is eliminated. Flights, car rental, hotel and meals are not required. 2) In what used to take up to 3 days, including travel to visit a sales perspective can be done in an hour or less. This allows a seller to increase the number of sales presentations up to 15x! 3) A seller only has the skills it takes to speak and present effectively on-line that many people find it much more comfortable, rather than talking in person. This opens the door for many more qualified vendors which require less salary than a typical "road warrior" salesman type, further reducing the cost of sales for companies. That said, very few salespeople know how to effectively use this platform and in the following article, I outline the reason for a web conference is not a sales call, the 5 biggest mistakes most commonly made with this platform and how to duplicate best a "face to face" sales environment online.
Sell the phone is a method of dying from the sale of products and services. National "Do Not Call" lists, manufacturers of voice mail, cellular phones, phone screens, and the decision to spend less time in a standard office environment, all contribute to the decline in the effectiveness of traditional, telephone sales. The good news is the web conferencing and demonstrations to bring something new to the table; visual evidence, the convenience and privacy. Ask a prospect of spending 15-30 minutes viewing the latest and greatest product or service that may benefit from an application is much easier to fill with hope of taking someone at their desk and spit out enough information to avoid being hung up. Effective Web demos are generally set in advance with the use of marketing channels, much like a traditional face to face meeting, but with much more flexibility in availability because of travel and geographical constraints are eliminated. Like the traditional phone sales, the prospect is able to maintain a virtual border that is lost in a face to face meeting, which translates into prospects of many others have agreed to meet with you ... online. The prospect is less fearful that a seller and get them to appear insistently buy something on the spot. If presented properly, the prospects actually feel like your giving them the opportunity to see something of value, rather than feeling like they are doing you a favor, do not hang up the phone. All this contributes to a less intrusive opportunities, more accepted and increasingly popular sale.
Many sellers using this new method of selling does not realize that since this is not a traditional telephone sales that their approach must be different from that which could be used for a typical over-the-phone sales pitch. Many sellers still "show up & puke" and bombard their perspective with all the information as possible in the shortest amount of time. And 'as if they were still afraid to hang up and are trying to get across more information before the signal line sets in. A demonstration web is the exact opposite and should be treated as such. During a demonstration web, you have earned the attention of the prospects for pre-specified time to present the benefits of your product or service. Another common mistake sellers tend to "lesson" for the demonstration. This brings back memories in the mind of the prospect of sitting in class watching a projector or whiteboard. Extremely boring! The aim is to encourage and facilitate the involvement of a fruitful dialogue that explore the prospects "hot buttons" or what might be described as a "needs analysis". If this is done correctly, the prospect has given you a roadmap exactly how to sell them! This brings to mind another point. Listen! Listen! Listen! The old saying that God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason that is especially here. If you pay attention to where the demonstration that generate the most interest and listen to their questions and comments, the prospect will reveal the key to earning their business. Finally, we must respect the time of the potential customer. Before any demonstration you must set the time on how long this will last presentation. If it runs along the stretch through the questions and conversation, all right! In fact this is what you want, but if you end up doing most of the time you talk better wrap it immediately becomes available or parasites. Today's retail environment is all allowed, no intrusion. When you set the expectations of the event web you basically get permission to present your product or service for that time by appointment only. Do not hold your reception.
Web Conferencing and demonstrations will continue to gain popularity as the cost of doing business is constantly increasing. As a seller this is a set of capacity which is necessary to learn as soon as possible. If done correctly, you can earn more in less time and many companies do not leave your house. Demonstrations Web creates a virtual market that is inexpensive and very effective .......
Channeling HP - Hewlett Packard Dell Bests in Retail
I like to blame HP than most people so it is strange that now they are praising.
Back when I was on the other side of the exchange B2B technology, I was above all an HP customer. I came across with mini stores multiple different flavors of operating system HP (RTE, MPE, HPUX) and then had a deep love / hate relationship with the company. Still retains a number of HP executives in my virtual Rolodex and hound when necessary or advantageous.
For a long time it seemed that HP PC business of IBM was about to leave, that is "out the door." Sales were weak, and fat margins promised by the Compaq merger was not evident. HP went on tiptoe with Dell, the attempt to clone their success without ever approaching. Mass customization was not something that HP would have been good, and like all things inspired Carley, was heading for the sewer technology.
Two things happened at about the same time that changed fortunes HP PC. First, the market changed. Dell PC was king, when the mass customization was required by the market. Keep in mind that Dell grew during the period when PCs were fragile, the components were expensive, and the system built to order, consumers have permission to get what they wanted, without overspending. Michael Dell has seen the weakness of the market (incompatible system, store limited selection and high prices) and made a deal to eliminate the problems for the consumer.
But the market has changed, that HP and Dell have said no. First, the components became more standardized and the price of the components is dropped through the floor. My accounting system reports that I gave back $ 3,500 in 1998 for Dell desktop and loaded. Today, a degree of desktop server with a quad processor costs about $ 2,000 at CompUSA. This is mainly due to standardization, which kicked off a key differentiator from under Dell. Remove the need for mass customization, and remove the mass sales.
About the time this shift occurred in the market, HP installed Todd Bradley at the helm of its Personal Systems Group, which included oversight of the PC. Todd came from Palm, a good dress that had both direct sales and retail sales of consumer products. Todd realized that PCs are now well set for the average user, which means that most users do not need to compromise or many customization features. Consumers need competitive prices and immediate gratification, which may be due to a store. Shortly after the shelves of every store office supplies and computers were filled with HP hardware. The prices were low, competitive features rich, and you could take home today.
IBM has never seen this opportunity because IBM is IBM, and makes money by selling expensive equipment for businesses. Today HP is happily schizophrenic, the sale of businesses and consumer goods technology. It takes time, and it took to get consumer marketing as Bradley in the mix. Recent news shows play catch-up Dell and elbowing their way to retail shelves, unfortunately, from fishing on the lake bottom to sell through Wal * Mart ("Hey, honey, get me a package of 12 BVDs, some cartridges for shotgun, and a Dell Core Duo "). While not abandoning its direct sales model, have a little 'get to know resurrect a brand that suits retail sales and production to satisfy the perpetual feature / price squeezing of the PC market. I bet they do well, but HP now has the command and control Dell has an uphill battle ahead.
The marketing take-away is this: the changing markets, and complacency kills. Recognizing a change in your market, and act on this step is essential to stay alive. No market is static, neither are your competitors....
Finding a franchise in the computer age
As you already know very well, there's an incredible amount of research involved in investments. Those who are unwilling to devote the time to research have little business being involved with the high-stakes world of investment. Whether buying stocks or buying real estate, if they are not armed with the knowledge, then you're bound to make some very costly errors in judgment. This is infinitely more true in the world of franchising, where investments are long term and require a commitment of time and energy and money.
Journals can be a good source of information, especially those specializing in franchising. Trade shows and fairs franchise association can also be valuable to determine which options may be available. Of course, the aspiring franchisee also smart to compare franchise disclosure documents of all potential franchise organizations as well. However, the Internet has made it easier than ever to get valuable information on the franchisor to help the investor make a wise decision.
Association of Sites
The key to make an intelligent choice is to start looking at the big picture (to find out what options are available) and then restricting attention to the specific franchisor. A great resource to get a broad perspective on the franchise opportunity are the sites of organizations like the International Franchise Association, the American Association of Franchisees and Dealers Association and the American Franchisee. These websites can give you an idea of what the franchisor may be available in any area of interest, which are doing well, which are in difficulty, and can provide a wealth of practical advice and information on all aspects of franchise ownership .
Online Publications
There are those out there who make a business out of business understanding. These publications and research organizations are the best source for simple statistics and facts on franchising organizations. Almost all major financial publications like USA Today, Entrepreneur, Inc., and the like, to keep the sites online where you can register and search easily. Franchise specific publications such as World Franchise, Franchise UPDATE, Franchise World and the like can provide even more valuable on the franchisor that seem most promising (and those who do not).
Research organizations
Once an investor has settled on a few franchise organizations likely, a search site consulting franchise can help an investor get a better view of these specific companies. Sites of organizations such as FRANdata FranSurvey or offer detailed statistics and are a valuable resource for hard data.
Government sites
There are some key government sites that should be included in the preparations franchise initial investors. Although not specifically geared towards providing information about the franchisor, these sites provide valuable information on franchising and business ownership. The site of the Federal Trade Commission provides information on how to protect yourself investors and entrepreneurs. The Small Business Administration's website contains a wealth of information on property and franchise consulting for small business owners. The SBA also maintains a register of franchise franchises that are supported by SBA and SBA loans qualify for the support .......
The Ultimate Sales Letter - the ultimate key to success in Business
The sales letters are important. They are what companies use to convince their recipients to patronize a particular product or service. And 'the most important tool for communicating with the exception of actual sales made by a talk about marketing to attract customers in a business. As such, the ultimate key to success in business is the final point of sale.
In the last years of economic expansion, companies around the globe are experiencing this great competition. The new companies are formed almost every week around the world thanks to the convenience offered by Internet. The battle to attract customers' attention seems to never end. As such, companies are striving to develop marketing strategies, without which their business can not survive. So many strategies have already been invented. The companies have tested these new techniques to attract people, but it seems that only few have worked really well. And what has been seen to work in the most effective way is still the old sales letter.
Sales letters have become hot commodities these days. In fact, companies are shelling out parts of their budgets to hire people who write the sales letter for them. The ultimate sales letter is a much sought after destination for businessmen, it is truly what they believe will attract customers and keep their business running
What Is the Ultimate Sales Letter For
The ultimate sales letter is a powerful tool - one that serves the purpose well. All sales letter are made in the hope of convincing people to buy a certain product or avail of a particular service. But the final letters of sale is the one that actually allows a part of business to achieve this goal.
For this reason, the final point of sale is one that uses words in an efficient and organized into sentences that make lasting impressions on the public good: the potential customer. This is actually a simple concept. The ultimate sales letter just needs to have the basic components of an effective letter. There should be more practically noise, just the time-tested basis. With this, a prospect become a client today.
The ultimate sales letter must be straight to the point - no more verbose and flowery mazes for readers just getting bored. Must directly address the recipient to buy what is sold without being too authoritarian that the customer thinks he or she is being bullied. This of course implies that courtesy is very important because people do not want to be controlled.
For a point of sale to become final, should follow the time-tested technical format. Most companies send their letters with their logo clearly visible large where they can, but this is not a format effective as people are more likely to just throw these letters in the trash. Now, where do you look for the right format? Where else but in the letters that people do not like to read - letters from friends and family. For this reason, studies have shown that the most effective sales letters are those that do not have company logos ostentatious ubiquitously. People like reading the letters, and the final point of sale should look like a real letter.
What separates the last sales letter from the others is its ability to provide the reader with benefits that more letters could not offer. Sure, there may be hundreds of similar products on the market, there may even be the same. But the letter makes the final retail product that is supporting distinguish from the rest. The ultimate sales letter allows the customer to know how to buy his product would be better than buying one of the competitor.
Finally, the ultimate sales letter is one that people are able to quickly absorb, while informing them they should. You would not want to send letters to customers thick novel. You want something that can end in a few minutes. Thus, the letter should be interesting, informative and short. You can also leave their curiosity to actually try your product to entice them to go out of their way and buy your product.
The final letters of sale is an important tool for any company that wants to succeed in these times. With the final letter of sale, you can easily turn your prospects into paying customers.
Sell Your Ebook - How to write a sales letter to sell your Ebook
Writing an ebook is just the first step in the sales process online. After that is complete you will need to market to people who want to buy. This is done by writing a sales letter. A sales letter is copywriting that is presented on the Internet. Many people have devoted their careers to writing web copy, but you can learn enough to do it yourself, in order to sell your ebook.
Read your ebook with a lot of attention. What are you teaching or explaining to your readers? Start making notes on features that the book contains. Then, next to each feature, write features that will benefit the person who is thinking of buying it. People buy benefits, not features.
There is an analogy copywriting that tells the person who is looking for the perfect point of purchase. The truth is that nobody really wants a drill. They just want the hole to be made by the drill. The hole is the benefit.
What is the problem or need of the person who would buy your book? If you can determine their problem and show them how the information will solve the problem for them, that will always be at the heart of web copywriting.
Spend some 'time to write as many titles as you would think that would apply to your book. You will end up with the best as the title and the other will be used as sub-titles. Sub-titles are placed further down the web page copy so that people can stay focused on what you are telling them in your sales page.
Finished writing your eBook and you're ready to write your sales page and sell your information to people around the world .......
Using deposits as a negotiating tool in Real Estate
Too many people put much thought too little because they should apply for deposit of the revival of buying a new home. It is usually seen only as a formality to keep the house during the negotiation process. What these people do not realize is that the deposit law can actually get a better price on your new home!
After many months of research, you've found your ideal home. You are a bit 'older and a little' wiser now, so you want to give the impression that you are serious without appearing too eager. What should I do? In the marketplace, "money talks".
There is no absolute rule of the deposit of "good faith" should be put down - but it is a tool to make the point with the seller. The typical $ 1,000 will hold many homes for you, if not great-home markets where it can be important for you to show that you are a particularly serious and able buyer.
If you do not want to make a deposit that is too large in the case where there is a problem to get your money back. But if your offer is substantially below the asking price, a larger deposit - $ 5,000 or $ 10,000 - might influence the seller. If you make a cold storage with your offer, be sure to provide an increased deposit when the offer is accepted or the removal of contingencies.
Your good faith deposit should be just one more tool in the entire negotiation process. If you are not sure what to deposit, ask your real estate agent. They are professionals and are often aware of how market conditions may affect an appropriate amount of deposit. Usually the amount of the deposit will not blow the deal, but it might just be the only element that makes you the home you want at the price you want....
Sunday, August 26, 2012
5 key factors to address the Best Affiliate Marketing Program
Want to join an affiliate program to make money online? You get lost among hundreds of affiliate programs are around? The idea is to check if this affiliate program is really a serious chance, before wasting your time and money looking for a program after another.
A significant feature of a robust affiliate program is their ability to provide a formula of how your affiliate marketing plan should work in addition to some other related work with other affiliates.
5 Factors to Consider Target Best Affiliate Marketing Program:
1. How long did this affiliate program stay in the market?
Generally, the longest running online business, the most robust affiliate program is. Do affiliate programs that offer non-reputable affiliate products without any guarantee of repayment, or all of the programs that have just come onto the market a few days ago.
2. For the sole affiliate programs that have high credibility.
A serious affiliate program is required to provide contact information real in the sense of a physical address, work phone numbers, real customer support, etc. Also, never forget that a website is not good enough to think that this program Membership is serious.
3. Check the experiences of other affiliates.
Learn from others to succeed! This means that you must not make the mistake yourself to avoid it. Therefore, a good idea to check at least 3-6 reviews online to see what others are saying about this affiliate program.
If you select today affiliate programs, most of them will show you a long list of testimonials on how many thousands of dollars of their members did in their first month. It is not even worth reading. They could be total manufactured to encourage you to join the program and promote the products. Always check third parties comments in magazines popular affiliate marketing.
4. Find out how much money is needed to participate in the program.
Typically, affiliate marketing programs are free to join. However, some affiliate programs need a strong initial investment on your part to start making serious money online. This does not always mean that these programs are not useful to attend, and then checking online reviews can tell if it's worth it.
In fact, free-to-join affiliate program involves additional cost and subsequently are not 100% free. You have to advertise, get a domain web hosting, etc. So, never executed only after the free programs. Instead, check out other factors such as their credibility in paragraph 2.
Let's try to summarize, not only think about the cost to join the affiliate program, but skip this and check their seriousness and their motivation to help by providing a proven formula for making money online at home.
5. Check how much money you can earn from this program.
It should not be a surprise to you "Join our affiliate program and make $ 5000 in the first month," as most of the affiliate programs that surround this promise, but the question is it worth it to believe it? Even in this case never, never ignore the mistakes of others and thus control other similar forums to see what other people say and how long members have been promoting this product.
Also, do not ignore the hidden costs behind this affiliate program. Does not require any monthly or annual subscription fee? You must obtain a minimum sales per month, etc.? And never, never forget to finally see if they will give you a proven formula of marketing strategy, such as text ads killer, banners, etc. ...
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