Monday, August 27, 2012

What every employee needs to know to make positive statements Into Customer Service

If you were a customer on the phone with a question or complaint, and were ready to make big purchase, which of the following sentences of this worker will make you feel welcome and want to complete the transaction? What would you remove?

* I'm sorry. I did not understand.

* I can not understand what you are trying to say.

* Yes, Mr. Jones, I'll be happy to do it for you.

* Okay. I'll see what I can do.

* It will take a few minutes. Want to see your name again?

* Hold on. I'll be right with ya.

* Please wait. I have this information now.

* You're out of luck. We do not sell anymore.

* Do you want to spell your name please?

* What did you say your name?

* Thanks. I'll check for you.

* Okay. Let me see if I can find out from someone.

* I'm sorry. Mr. Smith is away from his desk. Can I help you?

* It 's still out to lunch. I do not know when he will return.

Now you can certainly see and feel the advantage that the use of positive phrases to create the organization, your customer, organization, and yourself. Positive phrases mean that positive results for everyone involved.

When you are positive with customers, will be positive with you. After all, is not that what doing business is all about?

Both professional and courteous to others and watch the benefits penetrate the lag. It 's guaranteed.

Remember: When you maximize your potential, everyone wins. When you do not, we all lose.

Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW

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