Saturday, August 11, 2012

Writing a book Lazy Way and Profit

Many people want to write a book. Few people ever get around to it, because writing a book is a considerable commitment. In my long and colorful career as a writer I have written many books, so in this article, I share my tried and tested "Lazy Writer Method" with you.

My method works successfully for fiction, at least for the narrative. So if you're writing a novel, just sit down and write. Novels are rewritten, rather than written. My method works because it reduces the time required to write a book, and also allows you to do a bit 'of money along the way - always useful for a writer working to keep the wolf from the door.

OK, here we go. You had a brilliant idea for a book.

Here are four simple steps of the method of Lazy Writer:

1. Write an article on the topic of your book

The first step is to write an article on the topic of your book, and get the article published in a magazine or newspaper. Yes, you can publish the article online, but I do not recommend method.You must get your article published in the press, because if you do, you went on the first obstacle: the guardians of the publication, the editors.

Anyone can have an idea for a book - actually, if you put your mind to it you could probably get a dozen ideas before breakfast. Ideas are cheap. If your idea passes the test publication, however, know that you have an idea that others respond to ... and you did a bit 'of money too.

2. What is the answer?

Your article was published. Now check your answer.

Bit tip - Any response is great. If you get a dozen letters congratulating you on the article, wonderful. If you get a dozen letters castigating you for the article and you want your scalp, even better. If there is no response to the article at all, to try another idea book. The lack of response shows that it is your article (maybe) worth pursuing for a long book.

3. Write a couple of other articles, and a review

Suppose you have an answer to your article - or if no answer, but you like the topic, and we are busy writing the book. The next step is to write another couple of articles, and an outline for your book. This package is part of your "chapters and outline" package of proposals to send to publishers and agents.

Take the two additional articles published.

Then rework the three articles and the complete package of publication. (You will need to do a competitive analysis of marketing too.) Submit your book proposal to people who can buy it.

4. The writer really lazy way: your book blog

Most writers would now wait for a year or two, until a buyer has shown interest and offered them a contract book. However, you are not just a writer, you're a lazy writer, so take the next step, which is your book blogging.

Blogs are immediate publication and are amazing tools for experienced writers. Start blogging on the subject of his book - you will get readers. Your readers will draw the attention of publishers and agents, and with a little 'luck, you'll get your book publishing contract much more rapidly than would otherwise be.

So if you're thinking of writing a book, try "Method Writer lazy" on. It 's a quick way to write and sell a book ....

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