Friday, August 10, 2012

The New Popes and apprentices Torquemadas

I grew up reading newspapers. Well, there were few, but read widely. Hunger, repression, cold and lack of news. In my early youth came "Triumph". Items dissected Eduardo Haro, Miret Magdalena, concrete and subjected liturgy "the Sistine Chapel," where Sixto Camara (Manuel Vazquez Montalban) Chair gave us irony, subtlety and style. I became intimate Increase Pepe, by showing my solidarity when he kidnapped the magazine articles. They said less than others but more annoyed.

I read newspapers all my life. I sinner, to Emilio Romero and the columns of "People" I liked. After Joan VerdĂș, Rosa Montero, Manuel Vicent and I sinner again, until I liked Perez Reverte.

Now, Miller School. For school I read about a "The Office" and its columnists.

A few days ago, with half the country with swollen balls and entered in an article called and forum comments. Poor me. Believing bring something insert a post of my blog called "dairy". A pack abusive, aggressive and prudish I jumped for the jugular. I understand that my syllogism, Real Madrid = not like to perhaps Franco, a majority of this country, but it is my opinion. I suffered so much "sports glories" right next to the "unity of the universal destination" that my poor brain cells do not dissociate.

When the stream of insults it became unbearable, I tried, stammering, defend me. I pointed to one that said "senile" that maybe he "senile" was he or any member of your family. And the spirit of the hive came over me. Insults, threats, insults ... as always. If a woman answered was "an Iberian macho" if he did a male, I was a "Catalan separatist".

The engine that was the redneck fury, primary and covert, which adorns those minds in hard times for its associates and partners. How badly disguised with philosophical quotes, poorly read and poorly digested. Unresolved identity conflicts between their presumed leftism and the roar of unconstitutional national flags accompanying the deeds of certain equipment.

I understood that was their problem or their psychiatrists and decide to leave the forum. The next day the curiosity made me go again, only to read, and I found that although no part was still under compulsion of anger involved. After nearly a day in the same vein, my poor liver could not take it anymore and made a written reflection on a text supported by Maurice Maeterlinck and gave a repasito who, with impunity, I had been insulted in my absence. Text lasted a minute hook. The "CHECKMASTER" me "banneo" and very proud forito appeared on to say "I was in hell of Trollers".

Bound, gagged, silenced, I went to see the "authority entelequial" I was banned, left to continue the stream of insults, insulting him and the distant, the closest principle of ethics or fairness.

Thought about that in my long political career I have met "communists" who were quite comparable to the toughest courses on the right. In this case, a newspaper reporter in the country's progressives theoretical vantage is a student of Franco's censorship of Cela and by extension, of those experts from hell and the glory that was Torquemada and autos. His miserable tiny bit of power and the administration as the tyrant of a banana republic and cisco in all that it denounces in his harangues on the national and international policy.

I returned to my childhood softened. When he came home with torn clothes and broken shoes so much play in the street, where I learned so much, my mother became angry and told me, on the fly changing the tone and meaning: "Go take ... per bag!

For that, Don Manuel Saco.

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