Saturday, August 11, 2012

Use TwitScoop to get more followers to your Blog

If you are not familiar with a tag cloud, you probably need to become familiar with it very quickly. It can actually help members of the blog and find what you are looking for on your blog. In fact, having one on your blog can also help with SEO because the tag will automatically popup page content such as crawlers search through the pages.

But first, try to answer the question "What is a tag cloud"? You have probably seen tons of them and do not even understand. If you look in the lower right of this blog, you'll notice a section titled, "Label Cloud". I called "Label" because this is the term used for encoding a BlogSpot blog. Under this title, you will find a lot of words in different sizes. The more popular the word (meaning, the more we wrote the word on this blog) is the largest character seems to be that word. If you click on the word, is the same as saying "I see all the blogs that have this word in the key words (synonymous with labels and tags) assigned to the blog entry".

Keywords, labels, tags, oh my ... these are the ways in which users will find your blog, both through organic searches on search engines or by searching on sites like technorati (another site you must be familiar with, if you haven 't already).

Well, so you understand that you tag (label or assign keywords) to your blog so that people can find much more easily, right? You can also add a tag cloud or label cloud to your blog to help readers to see what words you have blogged about a lot. So what does all this have to do with TwitScoop?

Well, TwitScoop works similarly in that it offers a cloud of words that are currently popular on Tweets currently occur on all The bigger the word appears (font wise), the term seems to be the most popular. Pretty cool huh?

I know, I know ... you're probably thinking ... SO WHAT! How does this help me get more followers to my website?

Well, think for a second. If you follow TwitScoop for a few days and realize that there are some things that people keep mentioning, then perhaps these are things that can be added in your blog. I'm not saying you should use these words in your coding or labeling if not it is being discussed in your blog. But for example, running a political blog, and most are constantly talking about gas prices going up and down, and how they are affecting the economy, which is a great bond. Discussing your blog is sure to bring more followers to your blog when searching organic because they are discussing things that interest us in And since you already know that these are the popular themes (depending on the algorithm executed by TwitScoop) you're almost guaranteed to find new subscribers for your blog.

And to make things easier, TwitScoop also provides a gadget for Vista users. Add gadgets to your bar, click the gadget, and out pops a window that displays the keywords that are currently under discussion. Copy or write them, follow them for several hours or even days, and you have new topics to write about.

Good luck and let me know if it works for you .......

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