Sunday, July 8, 2012

Attraction Marketing: Assessing your sponsor and your business opportunity

Attraction Marketing applied to the network marketing industry works, to the extent that a leader is positioned as an expert and manages to generate a magnetism to him as leader, also in this vein is clear that as key to your business is your personal branding, or YOU ... not so much the products, not so much the MLM companies, the important thing really is how much capacity you have to position yourself as a leader who attracts other leaders.

Now if you're feeling magnetism to an expert, who earns a good MLM dolaresen and draws you also gain the possibility of that number, do I have two announcements:

First: You are choosing a leader who has applied techniques that he would have worked and you can guide you in the process.

Second: The fact that your sponsor is earning large sums of money does not guarantee you your success in MLM. Remember, Attraction Marketing gives you the option to elect our sponsor, as this form of marketing for the qualified leads come to you to ask that you sponsor, put another way, the prospects can freely evaluate and select your sponsor before joining a business opportunity.

Now, knowing how to choose a good sponsor is important because this person will become your guide on the road, but the work you'll have to put, if your sponsor is a leader, he understood that pressure you should not you work, if you feel harassed with your current sponsor; are happening one or two things at once:

1. You are not comfortable in the team or business opportunity where you are, or

2.Tu sponsor understands nothing of Marketing and has not read "How to Win Friends and Influence others" (...)

What I'm going with this whole issue of the sponsor? I go to now appear increasingly Internet gurus that "eat raw children" and stories that came out of scarcity to abundance in just anything ... I'm not saying that these stories are false, my reflection goes in the sense that many people are attracted by the success story of the guru, they identify with this leader and join the business opportunity that this person promoted without thoroughly analyzing the business-

Finally, having already clear that the person you are evaluating a sponsor meets the requirements of leadership to guide you through the process, I leave you with some things to discuss joining a MLM business opportunity:

1. EQUIPMENT: We know that the person you are evaluating meets the requirements, but does that person becomes part of a strong team and a plan of organized labor? Is that person is the only one making money or success is the team in general?.

When I say team I mean the particular machine within the network marketing companies, not the company's team of multi-Z

2. Comp A: It is a profitable company oriented modern techniques on the internet? One of these new companies that have come out lately with the magical product that miraculously cure diseases and that based on your marketing strategy? Or is an old company that has not changed its "mentality" and does not share the way of doing business in this new economy?

3. COMPENSATION PLAN: You know how to calculate your fees the company you plan to join?, The compensation plan is unilevel, binary, matrix, hybrid or other? I recommend you take out pencil and paper to make this assessment.

4. PRODUCTS: Here the key question is: If you were not affiliated with the network marketing companies, consume it? Is it a consumer product or continuous replenishment anyone to replace any that is currently using? Does the price is affordable to anyone?

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