Thursday, July 12, 2012

The consistency between what we say we will do and then do, is fundamental to creating stable and harmonious relations

Nobody persuades anyone ... everyone is convinced himself.

Who intend to convince? Of what? What for? once understood that everyone is born already convinced.

Q Who do I think I am? or Who do you think you are You, for wanting to manipulate or control the Being who lives in me? What lives in you? That stupid arrogance!

Let everyone be what it is without pretense, what for? in the end what must be will be.

Each one is as it is, inconsistencies arise when we think it's okay to be who we are. When we accept that we are like and well, consistency is the result and peaceful coexistence as well.

We are not who screamed, we are what we are and is well and Acts reveals.

To understand the actual procedure of the other mental, observe what makes, not what you say, without judging, just watch and shut up, then meditates deeply and see the truth and she will release them.

The reality is sacred, beautiful, blessed, and every person who lives his life in his own way, does not change, understand this truth will enable us to live together peacefully, otherwise you sure hell here on earth.

Do not argue, do not waste your energy, listening to the facts ... they talk so loud and strong. what you say, do not listen.

The facts speak for consistency between what we really think in our hearts and the words they can take the wind, the truth has its own life, and speaks for itself, good listener. few words.

Consistency comes from a mind calm and at peace, are clear in their objectives. The important thing we always see the results are consistent with our deepest truth and dissolve the apparent inconsistency with the actual facts.

Consistency between what we say we will do and then do, is key to creating stable and harmonious relations ... inconsistency in the way.

Maria Tirone

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