Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Niche Market issue in the online business

Surely you're wondering which is a niche market. As I can focus my virtual business to a niche market unless it is a niche market.

Very well, then begin to define what a niche market. A niche market is simply a group of people who have the same interests and seek to resolve the same problems or similar difficulties. For example, a psychologist who is dedicated to solving problems for people in conflict in their partners, this professional has chosen niche within psychology, relationship problems.

The question that now arises is why do I have to choose a niche market? or Why do I have to choose a niche market? We have to choose a niche market, mainly for three reasons.

1. First reason, all virtual business has to focus on a particular market niche. Again focusing means to target a specific market niche, the first thing you have to do is focus the business, this is the cause of that 90% of Internet ventures do not work.

2. The second reason is communication, see, on the Internet will have to communicate with a market share that you have solutions to their problems, in the case of an entrepreneur, products and services that will solve the problems they have, that communication must be accurate so that they can understand what you are offering and you will know if your service is going to solve the problems. If communication is very general and is not necessary to a particular market niche, it will be very difficult to realize you're going to solve your problems with your products or services. I give an example, tell me how you communicate with a Russian and a Japanese at the same time one can see, it is impossible is not it? or will take you to the Japanese and the Russians did not know you're talking about, or will take you to the Russians without understanding the other, or speaking a hybrid language between the two languages ​​in which neither of you will understand, this The latter is what happens when you have defined a market niche that is not anyone you direct you therefore end up by going to one or the other because it failed miserably.

3. Finally another reason why you have to choose a niche market that your business is you have to build around that niche. Let me explain better, when you find a niche market who go, you begin to study that niche and when you know you need to start generating products and services aim at solving the problems and so you build your business, otherwise would be impossible to do.

So the Internet is not a mass market, that was the main problem they had the dot com at the end of last century and the beginning of this, the Internet is a niche market. This truth is sustained that success online is backed business to focus correctly and that must be done by choosing a particular market niche. You have to communicate things as if the visitor was looking at your face, you have to be concrete and the only way you have to be concrete and concise is to choose a niche market. You have to build your virtual professional business on the desires and solutions to problems of someone, if not choose a specific market niche How can you tell me what you do?

You realize the importance, critical, crucial, it is to choose a niche market. If you do not like that, your failure is assured.

If you want to deepen your knowledge in how to start a profitable Internet business, I invite you to subscribe to my mini course, which this week is still free, "How to Start an Online Business, resulting in only five lessons?, You You can subscribe at the following link: http://www.emprendedoresvirtuales.net/ecm.php?QP3ebKERYFoX7

Daniel Brugiafredo

Is professor of accounting, but has devoted much of his career at the State Bank of Argentina.

Since 2003, begins to develop Internet business entrepreneur and has advised more than a few entrepreneurs, business strategies and internet marketing, moving his own experience in online business and knowledge to new entrepreneurs start their ventures on the network. Handles multiple websites themselves: whence www.negociosvirtuales.net www.emprendedoresvirtuales.net and serves entrepreneurs and professionals, especially in Spain and Latin America.


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