Sunday, July 29, 2012

Program Management Specialist Quality And Productivity Of Faces, University of Carabobo

Ten years ago that started the graduate program specializing in quality management and productivity Jan. ? Rea Faces graduate of the University of Carabobo located in the industrial city of Venezuela as Valencia. Program has been designed taking into account the realities of production and quality of both the international stage, as the national, especially the latter, currently facing a lot of turbulence, due to economic instability, policy, which has a significant impact on the business sector the country, especially in SMEs, where a number has now ceased trading and those that remain do so in a very unstable climate significantly affect productivity and hence competitiveness. In order to determine what should be the profile of the participant entering the program, we have considered several aspects, namely: modern knowledge in this application and endorse the scope of the tools and philosophy of quality to ensure competitiveness, productivity, market share and its conquest. Good management of customer satisfaction and needs, with manufacturing to ensure products or services and meet demand. Participation in solving national problems, involving the proper use of all tools and knowledge concerning interpretation quality and productivity, innovation and creativity for the technological development Appropriate use of resources that integrate the company involving dynamic training and training human resources, appropriate technology, process management, quality assurance, management and statistical control, strategic planning, organizational behavior, marketing, quality management, quality audit.

Involvement in research areas, promoting the development of philosophy, culture of quality in its various forms, ranging from provision of services, proposals, suggestions and solutions involving all aspects where quality and productivity required. Analysis of case studies on the reality of quality and productivity in domestic firms so that action is taken on behalf of:

.- Manage and implement appropriate tools and philosophies of Total Quality in industrial processes of SMEs and medium enterprises. .- To establish comprehensive insurance programs and continuous improvement in manufacturing firms in preference to small and medium enterprises, .- Specific applications of tools and philosophies of Total Quality in industrial processes applications ..- knowledge and tools and philosophies Quality, to ensure the quality of service offered in the various activities involved, Companies, Organizations, Health, Transport, Banking, Tourism, Universities. The program has an emphasis on their applicability, rationale, defining lines of research ranging from all matters relating to the efficient use of the knowledge and tools that involves problems, corrections, models, suggestions conducive to human resources, technology, service, and finance. To do this, we have established the following lines of research that participants can be selected for presentation of their degree work, research work with the national reality and pass it to manifest a better balance of business and other sectors towards quality and productivity in Venezuela. Lines of research topics and their applicability modern management, impact on quality and productivity Quality and Productivity and environmental responsibility in the management of processes and quality assurance audit of the quality human resources and their role in the quality and productivity.

Design and deliver technical training to Quality and Productivity Human Resources Management companies and achieving quality customer service Distribution Logistics Management based on measurements of quality and productivity impact of the implementation of philosophies, tools Quality Defining Quality trends or design an improvement plan for the organizations, so as to comply with national and international quality standards, promote productivity and achieve business goal. Activities Program has emphasized his outreach work with the region's importance, the country through seminars, workshops, conferences organized each year, promoting the importance of the scope, impact quality and productivity generates, as well as Current diagnostic evaluation of the quality and productivity management in Venezuela. In total, to date, there have been 20 workshops, 50 lectures, conferences, 2 conferences. He has participated in them experts, teachers, participants and special guests. Free events open to the public, businesses, all interested in this area. The program has published a magazine on issues concerning quality and productivity. Be open to offer its assistance and participation in organizations such as: Ceproca, Capemiac, Fedecamaras and other institutions, an aspect that has been off a bit by the current reality of the country.

Achievements The program has been recognized for academic excellence by the Latin American Council of educational excellence of Peru in 1998. He has contributed to the achievement of solutions, proposals, creation of new models of Quality and Productivity in regional companies, thanks to research work degree graduates, highlighting topics such as: Development of plans for improvements to process management production to ensure quality assurance and productivity training and human resource development monitoring and evaluation of the proposal, ensuring the dynamic effects of the changes their challenges through continuous improvement Improvement in quality management and customer-service proposals Models of Quality and Productivity Technologies specific or comprehensive, applicable to industrial processes. The program has led to the creation and use of virtual classrooms, where some of their courses are open to those interested in these topics, as well as offering to participate in the specialty to all interested parties of any city in the country and other countries interested in this? area. It is open to the exchange of lines of research, work, service to any organization interested in these issues.

What can be done from industry organizations, health, transport, tourism, universities. O4140425563 Can Call: Fax: 0241-8420522, 02415111676. Write to, Visit the Graduate Area Faces, cubicle 17, University of Carabobo, Bárbula. Valencia, Venezuela * Program Coordinator

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