Saturday, September 8, 2012

5 ways not to get hired as a pharmaceutical sales representative

Over the last few years, I have helped hundreds of people were able to land a job as medical representatives. But there is still much work to do! If I learned anything over the years, is that some people learn differently than others. It is said that the great inventor Thomas Edison nearly 25,000 times before he created the battery. When asked what he thought of all his failures he replied: "I have not failed. Over the past 20 years I've learned 25,000 ways not to make a battery."

So in the spirit of Thomas Edison, I bring to you 5 ways NOT to get hired as a pharmaceutical representative.

1. Send your resume in hopelessly out of Neverland, which we call the Internet.

Before you go ballistic and tell me that the construction work, listen to me. Shipyard work. At times. Most jobs, however, especially pharmaceutical sales jobs are filled through referrals. If you want to give comments on the line a shot, go ahead. If you really want to make progress towards getting a job pharma sales, spend your time on the net and get a referral from a representative of the current drug or district manager.

2. Be a scrooge about self improvement and advertising material.

Are you listening? The pharmaceutical industry is quite famous for his ability to create kick-butt marketing campaigns that generate results. Make no mistake, the job search is a full, all out, the intensive marketing campaign. The product is you. Pharmaceutical companies to create impressive campaigns because they are afraid to spend a bit 'of money to generate maximum results. Be reasonable about what you can (and should) spend, while looking for a job as a pharmaceutical representative, but not be so damned determined to do it for free! Spend some money on one or two books to improve your interview skills, to learn a bit 'of companies that could be interview, or a professional resume written. Consider it an investment in your career. After all, why not spend $ 300 dollars to $ 50.000 - year after year after year (plus bonuses)?

3. Being a liar

You want to keep from getting any work? Just lie. The pharmaceutical industry is under intense scrutiny from consumer watchdog groups and the federal government. They do not need a liar complicating what is, in many cases, it is already a delicate relationship. Be honest, be yourself, work hard, mind your P and Q'S and you'll be fine. No need to be a liar.

4. Do not prepare for the interview

It's not a stretch to say that a pharmaceutical sales interview is one of the toughest, most competitive interviews you will ever face. There are a boatload of other people out there jonesing for the same job you want. And want it bad. If you prepare for your interview, you beat. Study of the sector. Studying society. Review common interview questions. Most importantly, know yourself and know your [the heart] answers to these interview questions backwards, forwards, and sleep.

5. Do not follow up with your contacts

We have already discussed how networking is important in this research. What's more important than knowing someone who can help? Being able to remember that the person of his / her ability to help and encourage him / her to do it! Practice saying this to all those who talk about business. "OK John, I check in with you in a few weeks to see if you need anything else from me?" And 'low profile. It is low pressure. But it gives you a reason to follow up with your contacts and hold them accountable for any action you have requested from them.

There are probably 24,999 ways not to get hired as a pharmaceutical sales representative, but these should get off to a good start! ......

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