Thursday, September 6, 2012

Give more of yourself and receive more

Not long ago, I was sitting in a classroom training grant to learn how to get government grants. After the training session was over four days, I returned to my hotel room to reflect on what I had learned.

The most important thing I learned in the training course was to give the grant. It 's very important to understand that when we give, we also received. When we work within the non-profit organization that essentially are givers, the most precious gift we give ourselves. I will explain this more. Within the non-profit organization we are passionate about helping others and as you know the cause varies. For example, if the cause is youth empowerment, then the probability is that the program will be structured to accommodate young people so they can learn their strengths and weaknesses, in order for them to reach high levels of excellence when they become adults .

In this example, you and your staff are giving non-profit all they have to empower young people to be the best they can be. What do you teach young people is an aspect of your nonprofit, but the real value lies in the relationship you are building with young people.

Why? Young people will remember what you did to help more of the same program of empowerment. Humans are born to help each other, its natural to extend those skills, knowledge and skills to support a cause you believe in.

Give and you shall receive a strong call to action, the action consists of the fact that they are your brothers keeper. For everyone reading this article, understand we were put on earth by our Creator to love one another and create a non-profit in the process to fill the gap in the lives of others.

Every time you work to improve the lives of others, is essentially to improve the quality of life. Think about it, do you remember the times of your life when someone helped you? How does it feel when someone reached out to help? I bet you the power to help someone else. Trust me, not for profit they are making a world of difference in people's lives. Continue to give and will continue to receive, is a universal law of nature....

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