Sunday, September 9, 2012

Logo Design and Branding - Points to Remember

A good logo design is highly instrumental in the creation of a brand and creating a lasting impression among its customers. Should be able to create a strong impact on viewers and successfully exude the nature and attitude of a company. Ideally, a company logo design should be able to communicate your business philosophy, principles, mission and nature of the product / service offered, to the spectators.

A professional logo, one can establish a professional image of your business and strengthen your brand. In fact, in most cases the consumer gets the first impression about the company through your logo. Your business logo should build a brand that is strong enough to give your consumer a visual imagery of your company. People should be able to identify your company on sight of your logo.

Trend shows, most of the good logos are simple and often based on text. Think of IBM, SONY or Microsoft logo, even if you receive a part of it you will be able to recognize the company. It 's extremely essential for a logo to be easy to remember.

This principle of simplicity applies n most cases, however, often see exceptions in government organizations, hotels and luxury resorts, etc. because they want to put a classical exclusive image. This will lead us to a very important point that should be considered for a good logo design - the nature of the business.

While simplicity can be the basic principle for any project logos, designs can vary greatly depending on the nature of the business. For example, a financial institution may want to use a bold font face to express solidarity and stableness where as a courier or transport company might prefer italicized fonts to express the speed and movement involved in their activities.

Moreover, while specifying the design requirements for the logo you should consider the fact that you probably should use the logo on the fax cover sheet and other places where it will be in black and white. You must ensure that your logo looks equally good and attractive in black and white.

I would also suggest avoiding a very trendy look for your logo if you are planning for a long-term business because what about today "modern" can be backdated tomorrow. It 's very important that the logo designer knows how to maintain this balance.

While any professional logo designer should be able to create a custom logo design once you have provided them with the specs, you should be careful to choose a company with experience in design and not land with some single designer start-up venture.

Last but not least factor is price. You are paying for your logo - something that is being used to establish your brand and represent your business for many years, so you should be prepared to pay a decent amount even if it is also necessary to pay a large amount such as $ 350 for a logo. With studies of online logo design entry into business, you now have a wide choice of price for your logos and should not be difficult to find a logo designer that fits your budget. Some sites may also provide logo design to indicate the price for your logo.

If you do not have a logo for your business or are not happy with your existing logo, it's time to get your new logo. I wish you a hit with your logo hunt .......

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