Sunday, August 12, 2012

Practical tips list building - you can use Twitter to List Building? (There are 2 ways powerful)

-Internet is still buzzing about the power of Social Media. But the question remains: can you use social media for practical things such as list building, traffic generation and profits - the answer is yes to all three, and in this article we are going to focus on how to use Twitter List Building?. Let's take a closer look:

-First, a word of warning:-Twitter, Social Media and all, is not the Holy Grail. They are tools, just like anything else. And if used properly and creatively, can be one of the tools that you can use to build your list, generate traffic and create revenue for your business, online or offline.

Your Twitter List

It 'a bit a fun when people ask me "Twitter can help build your list?" I usually ask "Do you Twitter followers?" When you say yes I note that your Twitter followers are part of your list - the list Twitter.

I think some people think that just because someone of their Twitter followers is not on their email list means that are not part of your community list. This could not be further from the truth.

Your followers on Twitter (the Twitter community list) is a valid list, which is just as important as your e-mail list, and for many more. With your list of Twitter does not have to worry about spam filters and you can communicate with your followers on Twitter several times a day.

Your Email List

Sending a "tweet" inviting my list of Twitter one of my opt-in pages to get more good information from me in exchange for their email address, I-build my email list every day with Twitter. I recommend you do the same thing every day on Twitter .......

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