Friday, August 24, 2012

Tips for writing a newspaper article - 4 simple tips for writing effective news article

1. Always write something worth the time your readers. You must be very careful when choosing the stories that you're going to cover. Your editors would certainly be happy if you go with those issues that will make your target audience wants to buy the paper you're writing for. Stick with current issues or those that can push the emotional hot buttons of your target audience. Stories of rising gas prices, scandals and controversies surely capture the attention of people who are writing for.

2. Do your homework. Before you start tapping on the keyboard, make sure you have all the corners of your stories. Research your stories in depth. It 's very, very important that you leave nothing to chance. Go out there and interview people. Do not stop doing this until you have all the answers to possible questions from your readers.

3. Do not save the best for last. Always use the inverted pyramid technique when writing your articles. It 's important that you put on top of essential information not only to connect your readers, but also to help your editors if they need to cut your items to save space. You can just go ahead and remove your last couple of paragraphs.

4. Check your articles. Read my articles over and over before delivering them to your publishers. It 's important that they are perfect and well written. Also, make sure that all the information you include in your copies are based on the facts .......

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