Friday, August 31, 2012

Strategic Planning - Helping You Make These difficult decisions

Entrepreneurs / managers should be able to make the "tough" decisions. Really, it's in your job description. But we are still human. There are also the difficult decisions that may need to be made that we are not sure of the consequences. We have a good idea, but we're not sure. And it is here that a strategic plan helps to support in making these difficult decisions.

Any organization that passes through a clear strategic plan gains. The clarity on the ultimate goal. Clarity about the direction needed to be taken. Clarity on exactly who should do what. Finally, clarity about what resources you need to make everything.

So you can watch your resources, your structures, processes and your people. It will take a hard look on what will support the plan, such changes must be made to implement the plan and what just does not go well. Let's focus on the last.

Let's say you are an entrepreneur. Do you have an employee who is doing an ok job. Here, just ok. Not particularly put out, but you have, do what they are told to do and even if you can not excite the customer, not make them crazy. So I'm ok. But really, really would like someone a bit 'more energized and focused. Does this sound familiar?

The problem is that, since they are doing an ok job, do not you feel that you can do anything. Enter your strategic plan. After crossing the floor, then watch the employee with greater clarity. When he was ok to spend the day, the employee was acceptable. Now that you have a plan to take your business to a new level of success, it becomes patently clear that this employee will not be a good thing to achieve, but will actually be a hindrance to the business plan and success. Things are becoming clearer. Something has to change.

That change is your decision. This may not mean you need to get rid of that employee. But you need to take a long, hard look. Could it be that you need to have an honest conversation about the new direction of business and if the employee wants to be part of it, along with the things they had to change. It can mean training. It may mean changing your relationship to get that employee on board. There are alternative then simply cooking. The bottom line is that the new plan for the business to succeed, everyone must be on board, and resources, as the employee will need to change. Period. Clarity.

This is just one example. But all centers to ensure that all the right resources in place to ensure the success of the strategic plan and yes, that means change.

Resources, be they plants, equipment, or employees shall be aligned with the strategic plan of the company. Each element is part of a set of work in the same direction to ensure that the plans and the vision of the organization and objectives.

Think about the image of one of those teams, rowing oars lined up and pushing the boat further along in the right direction. Now imagine an oar dipped in the water causing a resistance. At a minimum, would force everyone else to compensate and work harder, the more likely they would be much more disruptive resulting in chaos and failure. So it is with a resource that is not aligned with management. Creation of a resistance, causing more work, possibly resulting in failure.

To understand where to go and what you need to do to get there, is to clarify the difficult decisions that have to do. And while the actions may be difficult to take, you have a better understanding of both the rewards and consequences of taking positive action for the good of your company....

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