Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Endless Circle

I can not get this thing the finger. For some reason is completely stuck. Since I put butter, petroleum jelly and even WD40 and not come out. Is this wedding ring is appalling evil. I do not mean what it symbolizes, I agree with all of that eternal love, but by the property's own ring.

The jewelry salesman told us that the ring had the quality of repelling women, it emits a stench that makes other women besides your wife will find unattractive. The first year is good, in love. The second year is when you realize that even the lady at the pharmacy you go with contempt. Ceased to be useful when my mother sees me as the ugly duckling, you think I married a bitch and that sucking my youth. I wonder: Did my wife is going through the same problem with her wedding dress?

Damn ring, soaking it in soap all day and does not loosen. The jeweler warned me that no man would look when you bring me put this ring. We wanted to prove that we would be eternally faithful and did not need anyone's aesthetic approval. But the truth is that I like that sometimes when a man looks at me only way to compliment my appearance, the only looks I get are from women who sweep me when they see me, I do not approve. I wonder if my husband thought the same of her wedding ring?

Covenant engagement ring or engagement ring is a silver or aceroutilizado for dating couple in Brazil, and increasingly used in other countries such as Portugal, Argentina and others, to demonstrate the fidelity and integridadde appointments.

Some couples, after completing a period of courtship, eligenpara exchanging silver rings, known as alliances decompromiso or commitment rings. It is a way of showing that the dating is serious, although no plans to marry.

The alliance has the name of the man's wife and the date of the first fecharegistrada and vice versa. Some prefer to write the names of both, followed dela date.

Partnerships are used to compromise on the ring finger of his hand derechay, on the occasion of the wedding, replaced by engagement rings.

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