Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Heinrich I should not have happened

Posted in http://www.diariojuridico.com

By David A. Sanmartin, Private Detective - GRUPO HAS SA Attorney

Tax issues aside, the history of the LGT Kieber-bank holding stolen-data is a story of treachery and fraud.

Disloyalty and fraud in the company are a reality that lawyers and private detectives know and focus much of our work. No company is safe from them since, at one time or another, can be a victim of the same. From the simple case of workers who do not work to selling secrets to competing firms, through the abuse of working tools, the IT fraudulent appropriation of funds, theft-to the company or co-workers, among others , form a wide range of examples of this reality.

However, the Kieber case is different. The information published evidence that the individual had a history of fraud and misrepresentation traceable to his credit. LGT Someone did a good job when he was hired. An investigation into its past trajectory would have revealed the falsity of its curriculum and criminal record. The problem was that the investigation was not conducted. O was performed by non-ideal.

Unfortunately, this is a common situation in Spain. Daily companies hire people based solely on the resumes they receive from them, without considering that the particulars contained therein are true and complete. Over 80% of resumes have falsehoods in employment history and the type of functions performed. Over 60% of cases are lying on the previous wage and more than 25% fail as jobs data where the candidate starred serious incidents, financial situation or a history of fraud issue.

The consequences are always severe. A company hired a new chief financial officer. After finding her unfit for the position (which would have known with a previous report) comes to his dismissal. It is at that moment when the subject reveals its true nature by requiring the company to a compensation of 300,000 euros "in exchange for not disclose to Treasury the irregularities of the company?. Another company hired a new chief information and systems. As in the previous case, the candidate's resume was perfect for the job. A year later the situation was chaotic department. An investigation showed that the CV data were false and that the subject never had his staff in previous jobs. There are examples. There are two actual cases investigated by GROUP HAS.

In countries like the UK or Germany, verification by private research firms of personal, financial and employment history as part of any selection process. In Spain, unfortunately, few companies using this model.

Kieber Lo should not have happened. In Spain it is happening every day.

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