Saturday, August 4, 2012

How to behave appropriately in circumstances

Behave appropriately to the difficult circumstances of life is always possible that in addition to this behavior will lead to success in all our businesses. You can have any kind of serious conflict or difficult, and always will be disarmed and dissolved under the influence of the Divine Presence within us.

Our interior layout, our thoughts and feelings control our outer world. Hence the importance of behaving appropriately in the circumstances, allowing our divine presence is anyone who works for the resolution of any external situation is that we seem difficult and sometimes impossible. Within us is always the beauty, truth and right action and divine to solve all our life circumstances.

How we behave traditionally?

We traditionally and routinely, faced with difficult situations, we tend to lash out or act on impulse, even though we submit our human thoughts, we give the opportunity to internalize or to focus on our divine presence and allow it to be her that directs our actions.

What is the proper way to behave under the circumstances?

This form of conduct is wrong and that leads to disappointment, pain, failure and frustration and at worst more difficulties. The proper way to behave under the circumstances, is to allow the will of God is fulfilled (if we take into account the will of God is perfect happiness) and the will of God is fulfilled when we allow divine energy to flow in, to through and around us.

By allowing the divine energy within us unfold with all its power in, through and around us, clears our interior, our minds and therefore our ideas and so we let this energy influence in the world abroad and thus manifested is established or the resolution of all the circumstances. Do not let the world overwhelm you, let the will of God is fulfilled in you, focusing on your Divine Presence, so that it is expressed in you and so behave appropriately under the circumstances.

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