Saturday, August 4, 2012

If God does not live in temples of stone, where do you live?

Suppose that in the depths of the soul in such a subtle substance, there is life, is the breath of God, human beings who experience breathing.

Spring brings more light, more sun, and part of Earth that is oriented toward the sun are returning to life. The greening and nature begins to bloom. What about us? When we focus on the light, God in us, our soul becomes brighter, live more consciously, we become freer and happier, we become more honest, open and fair with our neighbors, because we have found God, life and are true to ourselves.

Jesus of Nazareth taught ecclesiastical traditions. Jesus taught us to have to go to temples made of stone. Jesus also taught us what the priests said: "Be not ye called Rabbi, since only one is your Master, Christ." He is the resurrection and the life in us. The Christ of God is thus the Christ of God in us. He is in God's law of love and freedom. Thus, as a person, you are free to believe or disbelieve, to tie or break free. Experience what many have experienced in finding God in themselves, becoming people that can live together!.

Jesus of Nazareth taught us to retreat to a quiet place and to seek God in silence. He taught us not to go to stone churches. But how we could make each of us to find that quiet place or room? I, for example, says Gabriele prophet and messenger of God for our time, in my house I have prepared a small corner to pray, a small table, a chair, a candle. In time for me has become a necessity to retire to pray there, or get together with harmonious music in tune and then lead into the deep and fervent few sentences.

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