Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Cyber ​​Bouquet (Bride High Tech Part 2)

"I do not care, I want" Those were my exact words when I saw this new bridal bouquet. The most advanced prototype, the latest in wedding bouquets. Not that I have made happier or improve my marriage into something, just made the stress of the party were a little more bearable.

The flowers of the bridal bouquets let go a nice relaxing aroma. When the photographer brought me career, source to source from table to table, invited guest, needed only a respite from the ship to feel centered and relaxed again.

When have you seen a bride with a bag? Never. But that does not mean that a bride needs tweaking from time to time during the party. So every opportunity to go to the toilet compartment of the handle pulled, my lipstick and blush a little touching up makeup.

I could not spend the holiday with my cell phone glued to one hand. So I sync my phone to make it wireless and talking to could answer my flower bouquets. If he was hot, the branch is equipped with three air loads ready to freshen the face. Of course it ended up being used for purposes of air blows her hair as she sang and danced to songs from Luis Miguel with my friends.

It was not easy to part of the bridal bouquet. Did not want to throw it. Whenever he could evaded bridesmaids insisted that I throw the bouquet. The mariachi was retiring and I still did not throw the bridal bouquet to the unmarried. Finally, let the field go away and threw it. It is time for someone else to enjoy.

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