Saturday, August 4, 2012

Between sand and mats

The curtain rises and they begin to piece together imagination, creativity and hope, the work of six single-member worlds so called "Sand and Mats?. The Avenue? Alamos, Villa El Salvador, hidden among a different house blocks to their neighbors, but go unnoticed in the front display scenes of social protest. Even the sand being your partner closer, this unique home theater is known as the Art and Culture Center Arena and Mats.

Its interior has been fitted with the intention of simulating an amphitheater. His side now stands empty and rest on them every morning wisps of fog in winter. Suddenly, an imaginary curtain rises. The mist pervades the scene, dance entangled in the movements of a small figure, advancing at the same time with careless driving, juggling, its keys. As this activity was to him a secret skill, hid under the pseudonym Nico.

For five years, Nico contemplates diligent, your nails rising warm by the fire. The flames are subject to the tyranny of silhouettes drawn wavering wind. The key turns in the air and return to their hands, while one of them dares to fly higher, shining in the sky. The flames on the eyes shyly frolic inquisitors Nico, until the torch falls. "I started to juggle at traffic lights from ten Center because I needed help my family. A few years ago, a member of Sand and Mats saw me and invited me to join?, Said trying to smile.

Voices behind the curtains

When Nico came to Arena and mats, he discovered that his art became a vocation and that a dose of discontent became the potion that drove the founding of this group, the work of six young men, led by Ana Sofia Pinedo. "In 1992, following the murder of Maria Elena Moyano, Arena and decided to form mats because we refused to believe that everything that had been built in Villa El Salvador, with such strength and organization, were destroyed by terrorist violence? he says as his hands are found and are accompanied by a sententious tone in his voice.

Thus, the theater became the voice of complaint: "Every actor is a naturally be dissatisfied and makes theater with the idea of ​​changing what exists, the system of injustice, inequality, violence?. This subversive quality of the theater stayed at Ana Sofia since childhood. He could never believe in angels or ghosts stories that their grandparents had. But after nearly two decades dedicated to the theater, has become the architect of emotional worlds. Worlds are intertwined and form two lines of action: School of Art and School stock.

The first takes place at the home of The? Alamos, where they give workshops in theater, dance, music and circus, while the other area is a proposal for promotion, social development and community involvement through art. As for "people like ours, of emigrants from the Andes, the theatricality is experienced in everyday life. You can not take the resident of everyday space and bring it to a theater. We focus on what we have called the stage of life?, Says Pinedo. And they of the sport fields, the local community, the courtyards of schools, theatrical stages.

Spaces become protagonists to 60 teenagers through "works like 'Sands Villa', which tells the story of Villa el Salvador, 'Mall Road', which speaks of political violence, 'Legends and juggling', production circus and theater very colorful and light, but it develops the legend of Pachacamac Islands?, says excited with the intention of bringing those experiences to children and teenagers, who like her are able to keep alive his apprentice inside. And although professional spectator recognizes the skill lies in his work as director.


His work looks to be in contact with the world to perceive, interpret and be able to create a theatrical performance. But the theater is also a good puzzle that invites us to think solutions, since imposing develops creativity to solve challenges and persuade.

Then, Ana Sofia decided to challenge the boys circle around her, whose looks bold not intimidated by the proposal to form groups of three and imagine that for the next fifteen minutes will be a single person and shall perform daily activities from sunrise to dark.

Awkwardly groups towards what each imaginary set as your bedroom, bathroom, kitchen or office. Some stretches, others start the morning toilet, while a few groups still can not agree on who of the three will you suffer the consequences of being located in the middle. And among uncoordinated movements, mocking laughter spring, trips and shoves. While some girls only managed to launch embarrassed giggles. Until Ana Sofia manages to disrupt the chaos.

Chaos facing each session as to Ana Sofia is important to "let young people express themselves in a thousand ways that art offers. Humanity needs of poets and musicians, both as doctors and engineers. Let's show all these roads that exist for them to choose the most comfortable to them. I chose: the theater? He says with a smile, while holding the jet black braid that slides up to the height of his shoulder, convinced that only his death will be his last act.


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