Sunday, August 5, 2012

The suffering of patients with OCD and help from the Therapeutic Hypnosis

The patient or someone suffering from OCD is a disorder in the order of anxiety, which is determined by the obsessions and compulsions that their disorder will occur. These are so determining and conditioning your life that are not seldom that when presented to treatment with me saying things like "I come because I want a life?-Paola 24 years-" I'm so confused, I have such a ball my head, I really do not know where to go, I think I'm going crazy? -Carlos 33 years. Usually the disease begins in adolescence, but there are countless cases where the patient can remember rituals or compulsions that are already installed in children (Alicia, he remembers 38-games that can be recognized clearly obsessive rituals taking it no more 6 years. Carlos concerns while the first thoughts of sexual context and from puberty but more precisely from 12, 13 years that although they clearly identified their heterosexuality, his thoughts were related to fear of being homosexual. While you can not discriminate Paola until the age of 16 obsessive thoughts.

Paola when you start treating me has gone through many therapists, psychiatrists, and all kinds of specialists in the range of alternative therapies, when someone directs you to come and see me. When you first come to my office, in 2006 has 146 rituals. Remains in treatment until early 2009 with very few rituals, but having learned to modify their mode of thought, so that when a new ritual "I realize Dr. (never did call me or Cristina degree, although he had full aware that this is my specialty) that when a longer ritual, while there is a new one that wants to appear, then why do the exercises and do not return.

Paola words learned to manage their anxiety, and the mechanism of thought, to calm, exercise to modify and eliminate rituals and ultimately to realize that the key was that if you relied on the comfort of knowing that this is learning that is acquired for use, wanting some of the OCD thoughts again placed in operation, she had acquired the peace of mind, knowing that learning management acquired not react with despair, shame or the feeling that his mind is an entity that manages, quite the contrary, now has full control and knows that his thinking is driven by it, and thus increasingly applied in everyday life relaxation exercises, breathing, psicoimaginación, desensitization, and many other exercises that she learned during psychological therapy have allowed to connect with your body, your emotions, with the various activities carried out, with their affections, their dreams and desires come to treatment because this was forbidden, because the automatic mechanism of obsessive thoughts, automation, obsession and ritual that they demanded he occupied every hour of the day of his life in fullness.

It was really painful for me to see how all their hours, all days, all his young life was full and busy "was literally taken by his OCD?.

For what characterizes this anxiety disorder is that the way it manifests in the person, both in thought and compulsions and rituals in his life is affected both in their routine life, in social life, in its work in his studio, in the inter-etc. In my clinical experience I have noticed no difference in number in different genres, because I have received and I get both men and women. And as I said above can trace its birth and in infancy, but it is in adolescence and youth and it manifests as a picture, as a disorder.

Obsessions are thoughts that consistently manifest themselves, and persist no person can do anything to avoid them, and it is as a way to end it appearing rituals, which would come to relieve anxiety and suffering that they cause recurrent thoughts to occur in person, it alleviates anxiety, calms the ritual, but then again it appears the obsessive thought, again the ritual and so systematically, and infinite.

Another patient Mauricio, who unfortunately discontinued treatment because he could not accomplish what the first visit ever say to all those who suffer from OCD and that the only way to beat their disease with treatment, are as systematic as symptoms of his illness, so persistent must be in attendance and adherence to treatment as do all the exercises you learn in the office but then be repeated at home, in every possible moment, because it is the only way to defeat his disease, as it has been taking his life, his plans, his hopes and aspirations, and family emotional expression so often, not in all cases to have been deprived of having a life, to form his family, occupy different roles that requires us to live life fully. Because the world that allows you to live your OCD is an intimate private world away from them, they depart, inhibits them and leads them to live a life that usually does not even know the most intimate, but that in the absence, not to involve their suffering to their friends, they even have a distorted and uncomprehending of how they see manifested in your life, or more accurately does not manifest, but as their suffering is such and such is the energy that must be put in each one of its acts such as forced labor activity, then the same also decreases to a minimum, because this or that perform that task required is also struggling with his thoughts, obsessions and rituals so that they will allow, and such is the energy you put into the failed attempt, this will lead to only do what can not possibly avoid, as is work.

So as I said previously in this first interview when they enter treatment show why they should persist in psychotherapy if they want and live a life of its own and full, and one of the first steps is to realize what his life in that time, usually because they are imbued and absorbed into the real suffering that internal struggle about its mode of thinking and avoid the impossible possibility of leads. The patient must learn that in a moment of treatment, psychological therapy will occur in the mechanisms of resistance to it, manifesting at the time and states of anxiety, avoidance, where you will feel very anxious, frustrated, which will require changes and where have forgotten its status prior to the time of treatment, because having been advancing and improving memory and perchance it will not be and is at that precise moment that need your willingness to persist in treatment, and follow progress towards the overall success of it.

That is my intention to show you a map of what your life in the present, the limitations of the ways in which you are not planning such a full life, but his condition prevents it, that you contact does with its limitations, its impossibilities, but also with what in it this is not projected, but if they beat the disease can be achieved because so far it has not been possible the simple acceptance of another life, another life project and existence is possible.

Learning this second requirement is also allowed the fight, which although long, if it persists know here in this first interview because I know I do know that treatment is possible, improving their quality of life is possible, and you may as well as daily and unnecessarily required to defeat the mechanisms of OCD, now begins a journey accompanied by his therapist that light at the end of the tunnel can see it, but it is possible that only a self-imposed at first it must be necessary and when anxiety will play the trick of demanding the results already, and that is when they must accept that time is necessary and is the only possible within the therapeutic process change, modification and thus improving first time and then cure.

If you persist in treatment, if sufficient time does psychotherapy, this will be possible.

With my years of clinical experience with the application within psychological therapy, therapeutic hypnosis, I have formed my own method of working. My method of work allows me to know that for the treatment and cure of different techniques are needed TOC. I usually take the cognitive approach. Behavioral systematic desensitization, exposure, different exercises psicoimaginación also taking these techniques and other techniques and exercises that make me a position in an eclectic and heuristic exercise of the profession, for I have been creating during my clinical experience because I find that result.

Therapeutic Hypnosis is not a suggestive effect, it is not the person to sleep because during hypnosis the patient reaches a focused concentration or a concentration above, with full contact with each of the senses and emotions, as well as memory, can go to each one of these at the right time during the session.

During the hypnosis session and a product of this technique is that the therapist guides the patient so that he avails himself of other techniques are those that provide the therapeutic approaches for the therapist to take hold and have reached the hypnotic state enables modification is sought for the patient to achieve and gradually modify the pathology that is what has made being treated at this time.

Because product state is reached after a deep relaxation technique applied hypnosis, this allows the patient to acquiring knowledge, learning, behavior change, modification of a mechanism of thought, all these results that no be in the state to allow hypnosis would be much longer still in the process of psychotherapy.

The patient once it has reached the state of hypnosis, will be able to use psicoimaginación easily achieve a state of dissociation that allows you to position itself as observer and observed: this is the master key that will allow you to efficiently guide and highly trained clinical hypnotist psychotherapist be making the necessary changes in order to win in relatively short times in health to disease.

The patient must know that the way psychotherapy is a slow, full of obstacles, setbacks, and plateaus that will lead to a successful outcome that will allow you to live a full life, with the progress in time in its life before and with the full conditions that produced the symptoms of OCD was not even possible to foresee what would get in his life.

But it is a way that only he / she may travel with professional support and guidance of the therapist. Psychologist-Therapist Heinzmann Lic.Cristina Psychological Center Share Online Psychotherapy

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