Sunday, August 5, 2012


A few years ago, my main function as a psychotherapist has been focusing on the problems of women about their painful love. O broken heart, in slang

I offer individual psychotherapy to overcome dependent and obsessive love. Learning to be independent of one another. Connect with your own wealth, be a couple of yourself, and from there to the best match with the other. And if love is a torment to say goodbye to him. Love does not have to be suffering. But shared joy

As the saying goes: better alone than in bad company. But it is not easy to give up the illusions and hopes you've put in a relationship.

Sometimes the seller is the other illusions. Others, not to blame, imagination played against you. And you put into it, your own virtues, or virtues of your ideal.

Further, you are required to itself that other, that becomes your ideal man. In these cases, you're not in love with that man as he is, but what could become ..

Other times, we follow the stories. He will have to save. As the princes to awaken us to give us a kiss of eternity.

The other is not a prince. It is a human being like everyone else. With strengths and weaknesses. It's good to know if these defects are intolerable for you to arrive beside him, a good quality of life. Or if you see flaws that the other does not. Or if you're calling it what it can not be. Or are you required to yourself

One patient said "I love the feeling of being in love" I wondered if someone who belonged in his affections. And she said no. That even suffer, it was nice being in love. That being in love was to be alive

It is not the first nor last person I heard stating this. In other words, it appears that some people feel alive, when they put their attention to another person. And no matter if it causes pain or suffering.

These people are so used to suffer pain, which only feels alive when they suffer.

For being in love and be matched can be a wonderful experience. Love, when each other is something that makes us better people. Good love, you're doing more of what potentially are, but you had not noticed.

If you enjoyed painting, suddenly wake up the muses. The musician is presented with sublime melodies. Or just do that which you did not dare to do. Are you happy, you touch the sky with your hands. You know the world together.

Good love, makes the other better. Who manage to complete the race he had left unfinished. Good love is quiet and subtly stimulating. Some people find it boring.

And without wanting to seem long for the broken heart. People fall in love with unattainable. Or distant. Or confusing.

They fall in love tardy that leave 2 hours waiting in the rain and cold (they choose, unconsciously, wait a while intolerable)

Unrequited love is that the intensity of pain and uncertainty, gives these people the illusion of being more deeply alive, when one in this case runs to his own death daily.

Because every day of life lost in unacceptable suffering, is a day that we lost to enjoy the fleeting life.

Sometimes, the cause of healthcare commissioning in the other, has to do with a flight from himself. One way not to think about certain things that cause us great distress. Better to suffer for something that is outside, to face our inner world, if it is full of suffering and frustration. Or if we have experienced many traumatic situations and do not want to think about them.

Each case is different. And you have to discover what each person leading to this symptom, which is the repetition of painful love.

It's good to discover what lies in the unconscious thought by the therapist,

Through the method developed by Freud called the "Association of ideas" is a way of knowing, what are the causes of the symptoms that afflict us. For each symptom has multiple causes unconscious.

I propose a therapy to get out of this trouble you

I disagree with Lacan. He says that there is joy in suffering. I do not think so. I think anyone can like live on a daily hell.

We need to identify what causes these patterns of repetition that lead to suffering.

It is not easy but I want to accompany you on your way out

Gradually, we can achieve

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