Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Men are born free and equal. Women not

The "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" says that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another. The Spanish Constitution states that all persons are equal before the law, and explicitly states that men and women have equal rights. It is implied that for women in the twenty-first century is far from what we had to live without going further in the last century in Europe, where, for instance, until 1971 women could not vote in Switzerland . But universal suffrage did not bring much less equality for women in Europe, where until recently the husband should give permission to their wives to work and travel. What is the origin of this attitude? Not many people, many Catholic women also know that on May 30 last year issued a Vatican Radio news on a new Act of Faith: "Excommunication for ordering the priesthood to women." What does this mean? The Congregation of Faith of the Catholic Church decreed that the bishops who ordain women as priests would be excommunicated, of course, also the women in question.

In the aforementioned article of Vatican Radio quoted a guideline canon of the Church, which says: "The sacred consecration is valid for a baptized man," which ruled the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (Antigua Inquisition ), Archbishop Angelo Amato, who said: "The Church does not feel authorized to change the will of its founder Jesus Christ."

But is it the institution called the Church of Jesus Christ's will?, No! Men have been wearing the mantle of "Christian" and sitting on untold treasures that have pigeonholed, manipulated and distorted the teaching of Jesus, inventing and exporting dogmas and pagan rites that pull up our days with the "immunity" that gives do in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. An example is the Synod of Macon (sixth century), which discussed whether women had to become worthy men first before the resurrection of the dead, to enter into a paradise, with this incredible issue, a Bishop Bright said: "The females are not human beings." If the Catholic Church still has not retracted this, how can so many women remaining members of that institution, even want to be priests?,-The answer is ignorance. Would you like a woman willing to become man, to go to a heaven in which only men or women have become men?

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