Monday, August 6, 2012

The Church Against Drug Trafficking

Drug trafficking is a problem that affects us all and that every day is increasing, leaving serious consequences in society now living insecurity throughout the country but especially in the northern states, as it has been hampered passage of the drug in the United States border, also because of this have been a series of shootings across the land. Our country is seriously involved with drug trafficking and drug use. Although each year the government spends large sums of money to fight drug traffickers, the truth is I do not see many changes, as they double the amount to fight against the authorities other than that the drug is infiltrated at the highest levels of political power. Archbishop Hector Gonzalez Martinez of Durango State, held last April 17 that an assignment of Joaquin Guzman Loera (aka "Shorty?) Lives in the state. This remark was three days before the Mexican Bishops' Conference (CEM) began its 87th plenary session, where more than 100 bishops and archbishops participants supported the Archbishop of Durango.

Also joined the Archdiocese of Mexico, asking in a statement to take account of these statements.

After several bishops and priests are being threatened with death, human rights centers that have the dioceses of the country, will boost the complaint against the drug cartels, which had not previously been at risk for carrying This time they are willing to put a stop to drug trafficking. Then plan to launch an anti-mafia-like organization Free Network, which operates in Italy. The government has shown its ability and competence to end this problem and restore peace, thousands of stables, houses, consumer outlets, among others, throughout the Republic. The increase in drug use in young children is worrying, as this becomes a vicious circle, these young people or children will become criminals just to support his habit. It is important that the Church wants to sue all the people who cause a danger to society but it also has to do with them, and that among them there are priests who engage in drug trafficking, pedophilia, prostitution of children and so on. So if you want to set an example and really clean up the country must begin to denounce the church members who violate both human rights and his vote.

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