Monday, August 6, 2012

The (Promising) Future Bloc

A few months ago no one gave a cent for the Bloc's political future. Polls even predicted that the mark of his electoral coalition, commitment, would be at the gates of Les Corts. All an epitaph.

But no.

After the regional elections of 22-M, commitment has become the third political force in the Valencian Community, with six members, and has taken no more and no less than 30,000 votes in a classic as Esquerra Unida. Moreover, the hand of Joan Ribó recycled into the consistory of Cap i Casal. And all this despite the inevitable mess citizen between the names of the Bloc and commitment. Will they merge the two in order to increase its effectiveness?

"You ask if we will marry Engagement?" The militant lawmaker asks Monica Oltra, Valencià Poble Initiative, the group of common origin in the coalition. And she herself says, "Probably yes."

Nationalist Bloc leader, Enric Morera, is more cautious: "This is a complex process for which no hurry. But there is a joint project established in the three pillars of commitment: the progressive / Valencian, Initiative and the eco-socialist environmentalist Greens. "

What do you think the conservative Valencianism residues not taken refuge in the PP after consecutive frightened boy and José María José Manuel Miralles?

"You have said nothing more than waste and ideology often different from ours, but who wants to join the cause of Valencia's progress will be welcome."

And is that the Bloc knows how to keep a clever ideological ambiguity, either by conviction or by calculation. For this reason, the reference in Catalonia, for example, Convergencia i Unio, with all its baggage of economic liberalism, and no other nationalist party to the left.

Hence not find it uncomfortable to entrepreneurs all dialogue with the Bloc. The leaders of this party, moreover, are no strangers to the business world, unlike the leaders of other groups, right or left, which at most is coming to a past worthy of public officials. Enric Morera, however, has always been linked to the business world as well as its predecessor, Pere Mayor, businessman of this shaft.

What is most needed now is a Memo to the media exposure will provide safe, new Corts, given the limited room for maneuver Alart Jorge, the man caught between the policy adversely affecting Zapatero and the discomfort of each more meager basis PSPV / PSOE. This has the proven ability of the deputies dialectic Oltra and Mireia Mollà Monica, who are at ease with a Paco Camps beset by legal problems and acquaintances with less support from Madrid as the days pass.

It is, therefore, an excellent stage for the Bloc votes fish right and left to their cause and attract social groups, orphans today for political dialogue, believe they can find it on the Valencianism progressive.

As a friend of mine, mistress of risky investments, "if the Bloc is publicly traded, I would already be buying shares for his immediate future."

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