Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The metaphysics of man and culture

The man turns to the truth only when he's short of lies. French Proverb Many wonder, do you really interested in the metaphysics of man and culture?. Definitely can not deny that if we want, and to analyze its importance should remember the thoughts that left us the pathetic Fichte, when he said: To you I cover my face with my hands, and put the finger on my lips I can not understand how you or how you appear, since it would require to be yourself. Although he lived a thousand times a thousand spiritual lives, I understand as little as I understand you now in this corner of my land. My nature can conceive what is encased in this finite world. And there is no means of raising infinity which in itself is finite, for infinite does not differ in degree but in essence of the finite.

Do not forget, as Wikipedia reminds us, Metaphysics, as its name indicates, is defined as something that is beyond the physical, dedicated his study to the abstract of the Self and God. It is a fundamental part of philosophy that deals with the study of Being as such and their properties, principles, causes and early foundations of existence. Experiences a force related to theology and often address the same issues. Metaphysics deals with the central and deepest problems of philosophy, such as foundations (budgets, causes and "first principles?), More general structures (laws and principles), the meaning and purpose of all reality and all being. The basic principle of metaphysics is based on non-contradiction, reasoning that establishes the impossibility of anything being and not simultaneously know that the union of spirit with life comes the man, but obviously does this other thing that's culture, ie a kind of double creation. Culture and humans are the product of that union. But culture does not arise after man. As your product. That is, when a living form begins to act with spirit, What is happening?

Keep moving into the cosmos, although this movement is no longer conservation only object of life. All his actions are spiritual, aimed at the realization of the spirit, guided by the valuable essence and ideals. Of course, spiritual acts, do not stay there in mere actions, performed immediately after crystallize, is objectified, thus constituting the objective spirit and culture. As we were taught in Introduction to Law, the living being to perform legal acts, technical, moral, theoretical, and so on., Even when the most elementary form of prehistoric man, beginning to do to be a man, then, then these acts do not exhaust his being to be pure acts, but immediately become objectified, giving reason to cultural forms of law, morality, science, etc.. Then it can be said that the man and culture arise in the same act. Therefore, man is only when a living man with a spiritual center. This center is then a center of spiritual acts, acts which end necessarily in culture, as well as highlights Cruz. Therefore, man and culture, arises in the moment when a being begins to act in the spirit realm.

Hence, the rise of man, the spiritual and the check acts culture are displayed simultaneously.

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