Monday, July 16, 2012

5 Simple Things That May Reduce Your Risk Of Breast Cancer

1. Limited to alcoholic beverages

Alcohol, consumed even in small amounts, is believed to increase the risk of breast cancer. Most doctors recommend cutting the wine, beer and hard liquor.

A recent study showed the link between consumption and breast cancer was particularly strong in 70% of tumors known to be sensitive to hormones.

2. Exercise at least three times a week (more often is even better)

Work to keep your heart rate above its baseline for a minimum of 20 continuous minutes. Long walks are good too, but is more vigorous exercise (expect to sweat!) That really helps the heart and reduces the risk of cancer.

3. Keep your weight or lose weight if overweight

Research shows that being overweight or obese (especially if you're past menopause) increases your risk, especially if you put weight in adulthood. And a study published in March 2008 by researchers at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston showed that overweight and obese women also had lower survival rates of breast cancer and a greater likelihood of more aggressive disease that average weight or underweight women.

4. Do a monthly breast self-examination

Be sure to get proper instructions from your doctor and his technique of periodic review. It may take a bit before a mammogram done, and is a good idea to follow the changes in your body.

5. Have a mammogram every year after age 40

The capture of a tumor early increases significantly the probability of survival: The survival rate five years may be as high as 98% for early stage localized disease, but it hovers around 27% for stage distance or metastatic disease.

Visit: 10 myths and misconceptions about Breast Cancer

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