Monday, July 16, 2012

Dental Hygiene and Welfare

Good oral hygiene can effectively control the appearance of smooth surface caries and other parts of the teeth. As we shall see, this is basically brushing after breakfast, lunch and before bedtime, and flossing daily to remove plaque. Brushing prevents cavities that forms on the teeth and dental floss reaches the dots between the teeth that are not reached with the brush. Gingival stimulator may be used with rubber tips to remove food debris lodged in the gum margin and surfaces that are ahead of the lips, cheeks, tongue and palate. Someone with a normal manual dexterity takes about 3 minutes to brush teeth properly. At first the plaque is quite soft and is removed with a soft bristle brush and floss at least once a day, which will also help prevent tooth decay. However, plaque removal more difficult when calcified. Brushing teeth must be brushed after every meal. Brushing is very important dinner to avoid lying down without making a good brushing.

To ensure good dental hygiene is recommended to do two or three times a day and with special care as we have said before bedtime. We should, likewise, devote no less than 5 minutes every time we brush our teeth. The benefits derived from proper oral hygiene are multiple: Maintenance of oral hygiene and caries prevention potential loss of Missing pieces of bad taste in the mouth and bad breath We avoid further accumulation of plaque and gum disease reduced the bill the dentist to prevent diseases and avoid costly treatments. Techniques To adopt a good method of brushing the most important thing is to apply the correct technique, maintaining an adequate frequency. Always follow a pattern. For example start by brushing the buccal surface of the teeth (tooth contact area with the cheek and lips) with a brush head movement of the gum to the edge of the tooth. Continue along the lingual and palatine (which contacts the tongue). Finally brush the occlusal surfaces (which are used for grinding). It must also pass the brush through the tongue. It is best to place the brush at an angle of 45 degrees at the gumline and brush applying a gentle but firm pressure.

To clean the external surfaces of the teeth, as stated place the brush at a 45 degree angle to support it at the junction of gum and tooth. Gently move the brush several times using small circular motions and / or side. Apply light pressure to the filaments penetrate between the teeth, but do not use excessive pressure that makes you feel discomfort.

After brushing the outside surfaces of all teeth, do the same with the inside of the back teeth. To clean the inside surfaces of front teeth, both top and bottom, place the brush vertically. Perform movements back and forth over each tooth and gum around it. To clean the chewing surfaces, make small circular movements and sides. If your teeth are especially sensitive, ask your dentist to recommend a specific mouthwash or toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Brushes

We must correctly choose the toothbrush. This will be soft to protect the gums and soft filaments that will enable it to reach all teeth. So quickly change our brush if you have filaments twisted or excessively worn as to the proper operation of the brush must ensure a perfect state of maintenance.

The brush head should be small to facilitate access to any area. The material of the bristles have to be synthetic and rounded ends to avoid traumatizing the oral tissues. The bristles distributed on the head 2 or 3 longitudinal rows of tufts. The handle as straight as possible The hardness of the bristles should be soft or medium hard brush regularly renew the average, the life of a brush should not exceed three months, by which time the bristles are very deteriorated. Interproximal brush electric brush rubber cone Pasta Any fluoridated toothpaste is effective to place the toothbrush and effectively reduce tooth decay. There are more specific toothpastes to improve the thermal sensitivity of the teeth and some more abrasive to remove stains, but no specific treat periodontal disease. If there are a multitude of qualities such as toothpastes that whiten teeth or those specially designed for people who show a high sensitivity but the existence of some chemical ingredients may damage the anticaries effect. However, the most important component that should have a toothpaste is fluoride.

It will be important to be slightly alkaline or neutral and that the plastic tube is metallic containers for off the preventive role of fluoride. Some creams include components that improve the function antiseptic such as chlorhexidine glucomato, effectively preventing the proliferation of bacterial plaque on tooth enamel. To learn more about prevention and health of your mouth, you can visit the website of the clinic of Dr. Vincent Cots Alcayde clicking on this link:

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