Monday, July 23, 2012

Ivity is incorporated into the Spanish Banking Association of stem cells (ABCM)

The association is responsible to exercise an independent role and self-sectoral representation in the service of prospective parents, the medical community and health and media, to promote and advance knowledge about everything that affects the conservation and therapeutic use of umbilical cord blood.

Some of the activities to be undertaken during 2011 will be the ABCM implementation of a series of programs to support research:

Program "private placement directed"

Program for families with medical history in which the application was treated using stem cells from umbilical cord blood and those who for whatever reason it is not viable or preferred directed donation program sponsored by the Public Health.

Program "bioethics research assistance in the medical application of embryonic stem cells do not."

Programme through which institutional support, technical, legal and economic development of research initiatives that are proposed to the ABCM through its members, professional or academic institutions, research teams, health professionals, ...

The association also awarded a series of recognition on an annual basis to public entities and / or private have stood out for their best practices within the industry.

About ABCM

The ABCM was created to promote the preservation of umbilical cord blood, with the aim of increasing the number of stored samples and reducing waste are disposed of as biological, in the absence of alternative donation or private repository.


Alberto Wallet

Director of Marketing

Tel: 900 847 500

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