Friday, July 6, 2012

What Is A Web Business?

A Web Business is similar to a traditional business is an entity, system, activity, method or way to get money in exchange for offering a good, product or services to others, but focused on the Internet using the services and tools that it provides the latest information technology.

One of the most important benefits is between a website and a traditional business is that in the Internet Business is not necessary physical infrastructure and people of proportion, as required by most traditional, so the cost implementation is negligible with respect to another, making it very attractive and many people are leaning this way thanks to the boom that has had on the Internet, driven by social networks are now accessible to everyone.

One of the most important tasks that must be taken into account when creating an online business is the selection of web tools to use. Today, thanks to advances in technology to access these web tools is possible. Mention some of them according to the following classification:

1 .- Minimum Web Tools:

Computer or PC (CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse, webcam, modem).

Internet connection.

Note: If you are seeing this page it is because you already have these tools you can get started for minimum and build your business website.

2 .- Web Tools Required:

Domain Registration and Web addresses.

Hosting and Web Hosting.

Auto responder or autoresponder.


3 .- Additional Web Tools:

Blogs Builder.

Videos Producer Web Hosting.

Conference room or video conference.

4 .- Optional Web Tools

Prospecting System.

Monitoring Survey.

Traffic Analyzer.

In future posts we will go deeper in detail in each of these tools to your business website in order to have the basic skills that allow you to build your Web business as well as possible or, failing that such information will serve as a complement to your endeavors on the Internet.

Until next time ...


All tools necessary for Your Business Web in one place, to create the website of your business, your profession or personal blog, all completely in Spanish

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