Friday, July 13, 2012

Men's Health Guide. Facing 50 Years Ideas With Power And Welfare

The 50 ideas proposed are:

1.-Take charge of your life. The first thing to note is that one?? Not even chemistry can do more for your health and well-being than yourself. Indeed, both genes and age influence, but are actually the habits of each day, we opted to health or disease. In fact, health and emotional balance depends on what experts call active prevention. That is, how each of us responsible for your body, fight for their welfare and balance to be happier and therefore also be healthier. Remember that not enough for a checkup once a year, but you believe your health with each of your actions and thoughts, day after day are leaving sediment in your body.

2.-Get rid of toxins. To energize one of the first good habits that we adopt is to introduce the fast in our lifestyle. For 24 or 48 hours should not eat any solid food and nourish-based vegetable broths, fruit juices, teas and water. This cleanse the body and rid it of toxins, substances that seriously damage our body's balance. Plantéatelo as a kind of? Tuning? to start a new life.

3.-Say goodbye to those extra kilos. Often when men approach the threshold of 40 years, they begin to gain weight. Start a mono-diet in autumn and spring, two conflicting stations especially for health, we help you lose those extra kilos, which is very beneficial to the body fats and proteins that eliminate superfluous. They can last between 3, 5 or 7 days. Buy two kilos of fruit each day and distribute it in 5 shots. Strawberries are particularly suitable for its delicious taste and the large amount of vitamins that we provide.

4.-dinner like a pauper. Another rule of thumb to recover lost energy and ensure a prosperous life are frugal dinner. Two sayings are particularly emblematic in this regard. A proverb says:? From great dinners are filled with graves?. Keep in mind it should never go to bed with your stomach too full. The digestion disrupts your sleep and stomach problems are accentuated.

5.-Eat breakfast like a prince. Breakfast is the meal daily rate. It is best to take a cream Budwing that involves taking pieces of fruit accompanied by whole grains, flax seeds, sunflower seeds and chopped pumpkin. The linen will help fight constipation and this cream provides vitamin E and minerals that eliminate free radicals. Vitamin E prevents blood clots, helps prevent Alzheimer's disease and strengthens the immune system ..

6 .- healthy alternatives. Stop smoking, drinking coffee, chocolate, tea, cola and other stimulants. There are healthy and delicious alternatives such as aromatic teas and fruit juices that do not harm your body and cause illness.

7 .- Beware of alcohol! The consumption of alcohol increases blood pressure, rapid heartbeat and can cause impotence. Learn to say? Not? a drink, try not to drink every day and if you do, eat something before.

8.-To prevent cardiovascular events. After 35 years appears hypertension and also increases the risk of cardiovascular events. Donating blood lowers blood regularly and helps prevent heart attacks and angina pectoris. Formerly the bloodletting was a common medical practice, natural medicine claims the powerful therapeutic effect of these in many cases. Furthermore, this act of generosity on to others also have a positive impact on our mood.

9.-Start the day with a smile. Whatever problems you have, how hard you work or worry about mortgage payments, start the day right and do not forget to smile. A good trick is to draw up in the window of our room a giant smile and smile because a new day has dawned, because you are alive, because they love you because you work ... Then breathe deeply with attention to the arch of the diaphragm opening as much as possible.

10.-The stretches prolong life. To break free of tension and muscle spasms, stretch. Been shown to prolong life stretching of the joints. It's the best way to ensure full health aging. Stretch out in bed like you're overly desperezándote a cat or perform the sun salutation.

11.-Move your shoulders. You should also move the shoulders, a particular point where tensions accumulate. Raise them, turn them forward and then backward and remember that when the shoulders are moved, the neck do not hurt.

12.-Exercise. It is shown that the practice of exercise lengthens life by stimulating the metabolic functions, increases immunity, combat away diseases and depression due to the release of endorphins secreted by our body when we submit to a physical effort. Also combat stress the adrenaline rush that we do and also reduce the risk of cardiovascular events. Sufficient to run 20 minutes each day to earn these benefits.

13.-In case of contracture. To alleviate muscle spasms resulting from poor posture and stress, install a strainer in the shower to make out of the shower water choppy. Can be found at any hardware store and is very easy to install. This allows you to apply hot water as percussion on the affected area and relieve pain through the water to massage the muscles exert on contracture.

14.-Contra depression. Often with 40 years, not only for health problems and the approach of old age, but usually occurs because the loss of a parent, there is a crisis of age who can lead us into depression. A cure based on St. John's Wort can help. The herb St. John is a most powerful natural antidepressant known highly effective and completely free of side effects. It can be taken as a tea or tablets. While we can purchase at any herbalist, in this case it would not hurt to consult an expert to determine the dose to be administered in each case. You can see this product in our www.farmacia

15.-Practice yoga. But both anxiety and stress can learn to control if you learn to control your breathing. The practice of yoga is essential in this regard. We must strive for breath taking advantage of all our lung capacity air filling the lower abdomen, ribs well as the top of the lungs and making stress upon air fill your lower abdomen. This demonstrated that controlling the breath control our emotions. In addition, the yoga will help us to relativize the problems of every day.

16.-Try to accept death. Our society lives back to death and we tend to forget when this is present and can not be separated from life. It is normal to be afraid to die, but not always think of death as something negative. Most of the time of death is a release when we are seized with pain and decrepitude. You can be the scope of absolute peace. The practice of yoga can also help a lot in this regard. Besides, what would become of us if we lived forever? Thoughts of death must also motivate you to do things every day and to celebrate being alive.

17 .- Go crazy! When you reach age 40, most men have a life totally scheduled, full of obligations where there is no room for the unexpected. Do not let the routine is always imposed. Do crazy things without thinking about what people say and overcoming your own fears. To do this do not stop to anticipate your defeat and take a chance. What can happen? Insurance frustration for lack of trying to be bigger than you could have experienced failure.

18.-Change your definition of maturity. When we think of reaching maturity seriously believe that that implies, routine, decrepitude, lower energy and vitality. But growth means many positive things as greater ability to get to the bottom of things, greater self-knowledge that can make us happier, more calm in the face of adversity and all that does not mean giving up to new experiences.

19.-prioritize. We have little free time, so we must learn to prioritize and put forward the pleasures and obligations. If you like reading, why spend more time cleaning the car?

20.-muscle exercise in optimism. Most of the diseases especially headaches, backaches, hypertension and cardiovascular disease may be caused or at least influenced by our feelings. Being optimistic is insurance against infarction as important as maintaining a low cholesterol level. Thus, in times of uncertainty, hope for the best and take the positive of every situation. Are largely the result of what we think.

21 .- Make a hole for the siesta. Sleep is one of the great pillars of our physical and mental health. Experts say that getting in shape, it is best to sleep early to wake up early. But above all claim the beneficial effect of nap reduces levels of stress, increases productivity and reduces the risk of cardiovascular events.

22.-The stress depends on you. Stress is a major cause of development of degenerative diseases, heart attacks and depression. However, scientists have shown that regardless of external causes, is also determined from within. To control it, we must learn to turn it into a challenge and when you see you've been able to overcome it, increase your confidence and your self esteem.

23.-Take care of your friends. Having friends is another major known protections against stress. If you have a trustworthy friend, who tell him what you think and what you feel, everything is different, everything becomes relative.

24.-not always have to listen to criticism. We all have an inner critic, the voice of a parent or overly demanding boss who reminds us that we are not doing well enough. When it detects this internal sabotage, acállalo if it has reason to be.

Fill your retina 25.-green. Another magic formula for managing stress and restore energy is to devote the weekend to fill your retina green walking in the forest, defined as? The camera man's life?. It will help you relax, and especially to oxigenarte will help you remember that the world does not end at the office or at the four walls of home. Your body will be filled with positive energy.

26 .- Control your breathing. Watch your breathing, increase your energy. Perform daily exercises to maintain diaphragm breathing deep breaths counting to one hundred without getting distracted will energize us and help us raise vital sexual energy as well.

27.-Abuses tomato. With the advent of the quarantine are not uncommon hypertrophy and congestion of the prostate. Note that most of these disorders are benign and if not cured today, tomorrow will be cured. But both prevent and to combat prostate problems it is best to abuse the tomato, a powerful antioxidant rich in lycopene especially beneficial for this part of our body.

Join 28.-oysters and pumpkin seeds. Zinc also present in abundance in oysters and pumpkin seeds will help to improve the functioning of the prostate and optimize the production of semen.

29 .- Take oats, natural Viagra. Also 40, began to feel that we lose power and sexual desire. According to Dr. Pros, there is a natural viagra can improve the libido: oats. Following a mono-diet of oatmeal twice a year with the onset of spring and the arrival of autumn for seven days in a row can be of great utility. Also St. John's Wort helps to arouse sexual desire to be an excellent neurovegativo system regulator.

30-Take lecithin. Soy lecithin is energetic and also enhances sexual power.

31.-To prevent colon cancer. From the 40 increases the risk of colon cancer. In addition to attending regular check-ups, learn to eat thinking about tomorrow. Care shuns meat and ingestion of vegetables and fruits are abundant for the action of the fiber to protect you.

32.-Admit your weaknesses. But above all do not hesitate to admit your weaknesses and insecurities to the beloved. Ask yourself why you should respond to a male model of perfection, strength and inexhaustible power and whether it actually exists.

33.-Grow your privacy. It is our vulnerability that makes us worthy of being loved, which allows others to feel safe enough to open up your heart. So admitting your weaknesses get, not only rid anxieties and insecurities, but also to grow the intimacy that should exist between you and your partner. If you can establish a strong intimacy with your partner, you can cure everything, you get ease any suffering because your privacy will be the best refuge from any adversity.

34.-Fix your love life. With the advent of the 40 increases the number of divorces and marital crisis. Note that if you're bad about yourself, it is very difficult to get everyone else is well with you. Remember if you want to preserve it live, love should be watered every day as if it were a flower. Build a space for your partner, arranges a dinner by candlelight with your wife, take her dancing or simply engages in a conversation about what really worries you. Having a settled personal life is our greatest asset against depression.

35.-Practice couples massage. The massage will help in a fun way to improve couple communication. First one member lies on the bed while the other massages or too strong or too soft, touching the erogenous zones such as breasts and genitalia. Discover the pleasure of touch and will help you discover the body of your beloved.

36.-Making love, the best medicine. Lovemaking improves circulation, relieves stress, anxiety and tension. Also strengthens the activity of the myocardium, relieve rheumatic pains, reduce back pain and neck, increases self-esteem and increases the defenses. You see when you love, all advantages.

37.-Fighting your addiction to work. Many men take refuge in the work to escape the problems. Others have made that work increasingly fill their lives until they realize that their existence begins and ends at work. Define your priorities, that will help you be happier if you really want the job comes first in your life. Do not take work home, do not feel guilty if you take a day off to spend with your wife or your friends, do not take more responsibilities and tasks that you are and learn to delegate.

38 .- Get rid of stereotypes. Stereotypes do not adopt outside your sensitivity just because you think you should behave in a certain way or because you have said you must be at the top. It puts your personal preferences and desires and do not be drawn into what is supposed to be waiting for you. Did you know that those eccentric society is living longer?

39.-Learn to savor the small pleasures. Take a hot bath with some essential oils, stretching to the sun, walk with your children, listen to music, give you a massage, enjoy these pleasures, we not only make life more enjoyable but will help reduce stress and risk of heart attacks.

40.-Celebrate your successes have to know how to get medals when we reach a goal and celebrate successes breakfast even inviting a friend. There are also learning to touch them who wear them around you.

41 .- Avoid perfectionism. Learn not to require no more than autoexigirte really possible. If you set the bar high, you're never happy or satisfied. It's good to accept the limitations. You can not be the best at everything, nobody is. He thinks that those who accept their faults and limitations, strengthens its capabilities because it focuses on what he does well.

That will make you happier and therefore healthier.

42 .- Nourish your brain. After 45 years the brain loses about one hundred fifty thousand cells of the cerebral cortex. The brain is a muscle if you do not activate the neuronal connections, they are destroyed by joining others. Stimulate the mind helps to preserve the powers that does not happen to accept new challenges, sign up for English classes, a computer course, a writing workshop, do crossword puzzles, reading, traveling, attending conferences, ... Keep cultivating your mind. Life is continuous learning.

43 .- Down with free radicals! Free radicals, a byproduct of respiration are injected into the body and damage cells. Antioxidants ameliorate daily taken this action. So in your diet includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, onions, garlic and milk. You can see natural antioxidants in our www.farmacia

44-Invest in your family. Spending time with family means to gain affection, relationships improve ties with your children and your wife. This is an investment that will affect your mental well being. If you're not with them, if they only think in terms of expenditures and obligations, why they have to think about you in a different way? Note that the most valuable gift you can make to your children is your time. It can cost at first venture into their world, but will ultimately be your best medicine.

45.-Do not fight the discomfort. When you're feeling low, remember that discomfort is not bad. It is part of the human condition and is positive because without it we would be unable to mature. Without it we could not move or improve as we stagnate in the self-satisfaction and complacency.

46.-Relax and sleep. If you have problems sleeping because of anxiety before going to bed wash your feet with cold water. Then go to bed and feel how the body reacts to heat. Then, close your eyes and starting with the feet, muscle by muscle mentally disconnected. Pron will be prey to the arms of Morpheus.

47 .- Remember that everything passes. Given a disappointment or adversity, remember that all evils are transient and do not last forever. Nobel laureate Francis Crick of Medicine says:? I am an old man and I have seen many problems. Most never come to pass?. Most of us can not remember things that worried us ten years ago.

48 .- Laugh! We can not always control what happens to us in life. In fact much less control than we think, but you can control your reactions and laugh at difficult situations and yourself.

49 .- Outside resorts! By now, many men begin to self-conscious about hair loss and the appearance of gray hair. Baldness is certainly a drawback, but if you can not fight it, do you have to embitter her whole life? Rapatan hair, fashion now, and remember that bald can be very attractive. Watch Sean Connery! Gray hair can be dyed, do it if it bothers you. But many women find interesting. In short if your problem has a solution, Fix it and forget it if it's not.

50 .- Avoid rescue fantasies. Whenever there is a problem we have the means to solve them and ask for the help they need if we can not alone, but it is important not to keep in mind that no one can come to us? Miracle solution?. Our physical and mental well-being mainly depends on ourselves.

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