Tuesday, July 31, 2012

When there is a sadness

WHEN YOU FEEL THE SADNESS. The world moves around us, we walked through the streets and see and we see all the people passing by us and those we observe from a distance and without realizing we continue our walk, our thoughts and our concerns, we chest and shake the mind, brings the image of someone who would like to walk with us, and is cruel, hard, because we feel the helplessness and loneliness and just get that feeling without guilt makes us feel that we are and the sadness , that we dilate the pupils, causing us the pain of the soul that not everyone can understand or, rather, by the false pride kept in the innermost self, that truth, nothing more is done because the human material again have a little simple and spontaneous expression, given, to identify initiatives without any conviction that makes any superiority sample. We want to give what you have in there and feel and who are willing to give the truth that fails to flower lip because it has to be hidden, you are denied a right they do, and what is contradictory to these days is silent and everything and nothing is expected, then I wander into many infinite shades some with the possibility and others lost hope, it's the world we live in today, we cover ourselves false labels and want to look for example the absence of a true expression of what is due to be sad.


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